Apheori's game: D&D campaign set (mostly) in the universe of Arling Tor. Concerns the appearance and proliferation of holes opening up between universes for unknown reasons, and some sort of grand quest in the midst of this to possibly resolve the situation, or at least not go insane after dealing with an overabundance of idiots getting in the way at every possible opportunity.
Player characters:
- The Gravedigger (Frezak): Very large individual. Digs graves and buries things. Will someday bury a house.
- Radek J. Fulvius (Ganelon): A mad engineer. Very, very smart. And cranky. And engineery.
- Rhu Patrick Doughtery: (Gaurav) Token idiot religious zealot. Worships a god of dead ends.
- Greibel (Bear Soup Guy/Rob): Stoner druid. Sees things that are there.
- Amadi (Ellemerr): Insane bard who will just as soon give you snacks as scream at you. Also apparently a god fragment.
Former characters:
- Aziraphale: (Wen) Uptight paladin of order who went mad and fell in a hole and became a god.
Everything else is an NPC, though some NPCs may wind up controlled by players at times for various reasons, including DM laziness.
Now broken into arbitrary parts with labels. These all really, really need to be formatted and catalogued.
Part 1: Sarathi, the broken world
The party goes to investigate the broken world Sarathi and they encounter complete insanity as the laws of physics dissolve around them.
- 1: Arrival on Sarathi - Insane ship, sudden landing, fish, quantum shops (2013.12.23)
- 2: Sarathi intensifies - Lokshmi, security office, what, chickens (2013.12.30?)
- 3: The madness of Sarathi - Security records, wall, bloody room, crashed ships, invisible city (2014.01.06?)
Part 2: Deslan, in all its dustiness
- 4: Mysterious normalcy - Crashed car, dusty old camp, mutant bird, villagers and sandwich lady (2014.01.11?)
- 5: Village - Lodging, Rasputin the porridge, unhelpful villagers (2014.01.14)
- */Session 6 (2014.01.18) (unformatted)
- /Session 7 (2014.01.21) (unformatted)
- /Session 8 (2014.01.28) (unformatted)
- 9: Coffle, city of guards - Disturbing patterns, pigeon philosopher, mysterious woman (2014.02.01)
- /Session 10 (2014.02.04) (unformatted)
- /Session 11 (2014.02.11) (unformatted)
- /Session 12 (2014.02.18) (unformatted)
- /Session 13 (2014.02.25) (unformatted)
- /Session 14 (2014.03.04) (unformatted)
- 15: Underground part 4 - Dreams, Mouseforged repair, exploration, disaster recordings (2014.03.18)
- 16: Underground part 5 - Duckmoose, shielding artefact, the One True Shovel, temple of Kyrule, explosives (2014.03.25)
- */Session 17 (2014.04.01) (unformatted)
- /Session 18 (2014.04.08) (unformatted)
- /Session 19 (2014.04.13) (unformatted)
Part 3: Arah, city of golden light
- /Session 20 (2014.04.20) (unformatted)
- /Session 21 (2014.05.04) (unformatted)
- /Session 22 (2014.05.18) (unformatted)
- /Session 23 (2014.05.26) (unformatted)
- 24: Created Hole - Portal maintenance, blue Apheori, unstable pocket Hole, Hazz'ridan (2014.06.01)
- */Session 25 (2014.06.08) (unformatted)
- /Session 26 (2014.06.22) (unformatted)
Part 4: Cerris, the second world
- /Session 27 (2014.07.07) (unformatted)
- /Session 28 (2014.07.27) (unformatted)
- /Session 29 (2014.08.03) (unformatted)
- 30: Eel surgery - Surgery via eyebot, zombification, worst hostages (2014.08.12)
- 31: Dorgin's zombies - Guards and zombies, George, old lady in a tree, Amadi's vengeance, tentacle vision (2014.08.20)
- 32: The pub times part 1 - Tavern, bard, Radek's research, Rhu's descent into Nightmare (2014.09.09)
- 33: The pub times part 2 - Horrible nightmare realm, hedge wizard's gloves, Radek's epiphany, really stinky herbs (2014.09.21)
- 34: The morning after - Rescue from Nightmare, blasphemy and explanations (2014.09.28)
- 35: The cave times part 1 - George pick-up, elk encounter, some cave times (2014.10.19)
- 36: The cave times part 2 - Pinpoint hole, Gravy tree, reality bomb (2014.10.26)
- 37: The cave times part 3 - Fighting, tree-on-tree, Amadi falls (2014.11.19)
- 38: The cave times part 4 - More fighting, sludge, black queen, bong (2014.11.23)
- 39: The cave times part 5 - Dead Amadi, Haerevan of Salas Vittan, the real problem (2014.12.03)
- 40: Acquiring the puzzle box - Squirrel, ritual, puzzle box and letter (2014.12.16)
- 41: Reconnaissance - Gibbering cephalopod, questions and answers, bird scouting (2014.12.22)
- 42: Wizard's tower part 1 - Navigator, tower, butterflies, stone man (2015.01.04)
- 43: Wizard's tower part 2 - Questioning the stone man, dragon and zombies (2015.01.21)
- 44: Wizard's tower part 3 - Loot (2015.02.11)
- 45: Cabin in the woods - Ferret lady, food, fixing the puzzle box device (2015.02.18)
- 46: Interlude part 1 - Dreams, four kinds of sausage, adventurers (2015.02.25)
- 47: Interlude part 2 - Grave god, wizard talk, Radek's rage, fabergé meatball (2015.03.04)
- 48: Lost in the woods - Greibel as guide, river, river again (2015.04.18)
- /Session 49
- 0.0: 0: Trial session with combat intro
- 1.5: 1.5: Azir intro (IRC) (2013.12.28)
- 3.1: 3.1: Greibel tree thing (IRC; merged into formatted main session) (2013.12.30)
- 10.5: 10.5: Rhu's visions (notes only) (2014.02.09)
- 32.5: 32.5: Rhu's passage through the horrible nightmare realm (notes only) (2014.09.27)
Full dump
- Full unformatted log dump (Warning: Massive)