
A fragment of the Garden of Remembering

Badger guy (162761-1)

Barbarian 5 (N) (12 exp) (18/20 pp/fame)
Allegiances: Norgorber, Pathfinder Society, The Exchange

Elf, size Medium
Speed 40 ft. / 8 sq.

50 HP

Initiative +7

Ability Scores
	Str 13  (+1)
	Dex 20  (+5)
	Con 12  (+1)
	Int 16  (+3)
	Wis 10
	Cha 10

	AC    20 (touch 15, flat-footed 15)
	Fort  +4
	Ref   +6
	Will  +1

Attacks (BAB +5) (CMB 6) (CMD 21)
	Blade (+11/+10 vs AC; critical 18-20 x 2) (1d10 +2/+5 slashing)
	Longbow (range 110) (+11 vs AC, critical x3) (1d8 +1 piercing or blunt)

	Rage (5 rounds)
		+4 STR, +4 CON, +8 HP, -2 AC, +2 Will (morale)
		No cha, dex, int skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride)
		Fatigued after 2 rounds per rage round; cannot run or charge, -2 to str, dex

	Acrobatics*                13  (5 + 5 + 3) (dex)
	Appraise                   3   (3)         (int)
	Bluff                      0   (0)         (cha)
	Climb*                     1   (1)         (str)
	Diplomacy                  0   (0)         (cha)
	Disguise                   0   (0)         (cha)
	Escape artist              5   (5)         (dex)
	Fly                        5   (5)         (dex)
	Handle animal*             6   (0 + 3 + 3) (cha)
	Heal                       0   (0)         (wis)
	Intimidate*                0   (0)         (cha)
	Knowledge (arcana)         4   (3 + 1)     (int)
	Knowledge (engineering)*   13  (3 + 5 + 5) (int)
	Knowledge (nature)*        11  (3 + 5 + 3) (int)
	Knowledge (religion)       5   (3 + 2)     (int)
	Linguistics                7   (3 + 4)     (int)
	Perception*                10  (0 + 5 + 5) (wis)
	Ride                       5   (5)         (dex)
	Sense motive               0   (0)         (wis)
	Stealth                    5   (5)         (dex)
	Survival*                  8   (0 + 5 + 3) (wis)
	Swim*                      1   (1)         (str)

Equipment proficiencies
	Weapon familiarity (elf - longbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortbows; anything 'elven' as martial)
	Simple and martial weapons
	light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields)

Special Abilities
	Darkvision (elf variant)
	Elven immunities (elf - sleep, +2 bonus against enchanting)
	Keen senses (elf - +2 to perception)
	Fast movement (barbarian - speed +10)
	War Beast (mad dog - animal companion as druid)
	Pack Tactics (mad dog - +4 to attack when flanking together)
	Trap sense (barbarian - +1 to reflex saves and dodge AC vs traps)
	Rage (barbarian (-3 for effective level due to mad dog))

Feats etc
	Secret knowledge (trait - +2 to engineering; becomes class skill)
	Reactionary (trait - +2 initiative)
	Weapon Finesse (use dex instead of strength for light weapon attack bonus)
	Power attack (-1 to attack, +2 to damage when active (+3 when using two hands))

	Favour of Cartahegn

	Common (Taldane)

Equipment (30lbs of equipment; ~15lbs random junk)
	Mithril chainshirt +1 (ac +4)
	Elven curved blade +1
	Masterwork composite longbow (+1)
	arrows (piercing)           x29
	arrows (blunt)              x36

	sleeves of many garments
	belt of dexterity +2

	traveler's any-tool
	silk rope (50ft)
	alchemist's fire            x5
	tangleburn bag              x1
	itching powder              x3
	sneezing powder             x2
	wand of cure light wounds   x19
	large stick
	small rock
	twine (50ft)
	alchemical glue (.25lb)
	2/3 bottle of absinth
	bag of biscuits (12)

	badger (100lbs)

Alchemist's fire
	You can throw a flask of alchemist's fire as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet.

	A direct hit deals 1d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage. If desired, the target can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.

Sneezing powder
	This coarse yellowish-red powder is a splash weapon that causes uncontrollable sneezing for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone standing in the square of impact must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make DC 8 Fortitude saves. Creatures affected by sneezing powder must make a DC 10 Fortitude save every round for the duration or be staggered until their next turn.

Itching powder
	This fine gray powder causes targets to suffer from uncontrollable itching until they spend at least 1 round washing it off. Throwing a packet of itching powder is a splash attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Anyone standing on the square of impact must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make a DC 8 Fortitude save. Creatures that fail the save take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.


Size Medium
Speed 30 ft. (burrow 10 ft.) (climb 10 ft.)

44 HP (5 hd)

Ability Scores
	Str 15  (+2)
	Dex 16  (+3)
	Con 18  (+4)
	Int 2
	Wis 12  (+1)
	Cha 10

	AC    17 (flat-footed 14)
	Fort  +8
	Ref   +6
	Will  +1

Attacks (BAB +3)

	bite +5 (1d6 + 2)
	2 claws +5 (1d4 + 2)

	rage (as a barbarian, 6 rounds per day)
		+4 STR, CON, +8 HP, -2 AC, +2 Will
		Fatigued after 2 rounds per rage round; cannot run or charge, -2 to str, dex

Special Qualities
	low-light vision
	scent (track/detect opponents, 30ft)

Tricks (8)
	Attack all
	Flank (threaten/flank)
	Down (stop attacking)
	Track (scent; survival)

Skills (4)
	Acrobatics*     9  (3 + 3 + 3)
	Climb*          2  (2)
	Escape Artist   3  (3)
	Fly*            3  (3)
	Intimidate      0  (0)
	Perception*     1  (1)
	Stealth*        7  (3 + 1 + 3)
	Survival        2  (1 + 1)
	Swim*           2  (2)

Feats (3)
	Toughness (+3 hp, +1 for each hd above 3)
	Dodge (+1 dodge bonus to AC)
	Combat Reflexes (4 attacks of opportunity per round (1 + dex mod), can be flat-footed)

	Evasion (successful reflex saves resulting in half-damage result in no damage)
	Improved drag (+2 to/vs drag attempts, no attack of opportunity)

+4 circumstance bonus to all handle animal checks for this badger (DC 10 means in normal circumstances tricks cannot fail)