Holes/Session 40

A fragment of the Garden of Remembering

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Apheori (GM): Today is 10 december. We may or may not be playing.
If we are, I'll be having at least some of you make some checks to ensure you got safely out of the cave network.
Gaurav: Can we get a bonus because Greibel turned into a flock of bats and scouted out the cave last session?
Apheori (GM): Good morning.
Ganelon: Yo.
Apheori (GM): You all are following the river out of the caves.
Frezak (GM): I have great navigation skills if those are still required.
Apheori (GM): You and greibel should roll for it, then.
Ganelon: Radek's got Dungeoneering, but by all means, you guys try first.
Frezak (GM): Perception?
Apheori (GM): Also Radek may or may not want to try to arcana-help the not Amadi along the way. She's still trying to cast spells on Gravy's head and it's not working.
Frezak (GM): Nature?
Apheori (GM): Perception, dungeoneering, and nature. One of each from anyone.
Frezak (GM): Wow.
I'm at.. 11 nature and 14 perception (or 24)
Bear Soup Guy: I've got 12, 7 and 14, respectively
rolling 1d20+16
Rolling Arcana to assault our guest with indecipherable jargon.
Frezak (GM): I'll take Perception, then.
Greibel can take Nature
Gan can have the scraps.
Apheori (GM): She gives you a confused look and sets Gravy's horn on fire.
Ganelon: I feel so appreciated.
Frezak (GM):
rolling 1D20+14+10
Bear Soup Guy: TEAMWORK
Gaurav: Wow.
Bear Soup Guy:
rolling 1d20+14 natures
Radek: ...Really, now.
What are you /trying/ to accomplish?
Apheori (GM): Need a dungeoneering from someone.
rolling 1d20+10 Dungeoneering
Amadi: Magic, I suppose.
Wait, that actually was something, wasn't it?
Amadi starts poking the horn.
The Gravedigger: Would you mind not doing that?
Amadi: Sorry.
Apheori (GM): Radek gets you all out safely, with Greibel assisting and Gravy ensuring nobody falls in a hole.
Frezak (GM): I have excellent hole expertise.
I have seen holes before.
Apheori (GM): Y'all come out along the river into a horribly bright night full of birds chirping.
Gaurav: ...
Apheori (GM): The sky is full of funky glowing stuff.
Frezak (GM): Uh.
As in the sky is glowing or there's... globs of stuff up there?
Apheori (GM): It's like the aurora, but... more.
Apheori (GM) is so descriptive.
The Gravedigger: Is this normal?
Radek: George, what do you make of this?
George: (pushing up his goggles) Is what normal?
Radek gestures towards the sky.
The Gravedigger points at the sky.
George looks up.
Ganelon: Damnit, man.
George: ...yes?
I mean...
Wait, what do you see?
The Gravedigger looks at Radek.
Ganelon: Oh, this looks like another chance to jargon at him.
What does /Radek/ see?
By which I mean, understand?
Gaurav: brb
Apheori (GM): I suppose it really does just look like a really massive, complex, colorful swarm of northern lights.
Except to his sciency eyes, he might recognise the colours?
I dunno. How's his atmospheric physics?
Ganelon: I wouldn't exactly consider it a field he went out of his way to study.
Apheori (GM): Roll arcana to discern about it, then.
rolling 1d20+16
Ganelon: I love that 26 is average for me.
Greibel: Typical. A beautiful natural formation of light and color and we're suspicious that it's a wormhole or else some kind of dark magic.
Greibel sighs
The Gravedigger: Or bees.
Could be space bees.
It never is, but it /could/ be.
Apheori (GM): It looks like an aurora. Charges interacting with the atmosphere. Nothing all that odd about it stands out.
Radek scoffs.
Radek: "Dark" magic...
Apheori (GM): This is the point where a Squirrel drops out of a tree next to you.
Squirrel: BEES!
Radek: This is nothing more than a scattering of ionized atmospheric constituents and their resulting optical emissions.
Completely harmless.
George: (skeptically) I guess I'll have to take your word for that.
Ganelon: Thanks, Wikipedia. I knew I could count on you to give me an explanation that means absolutely nothing to a normal person.
Apheori (GM): Yay science articles!
Ganelon: Now you said "a squirrel".
But I see the token of an Amadi.
So what does this appear as to us?
Frezak (GM): It's not 'a' squirrel, it's Squirrel.
Apheori (GM): She looks like them.
Her name is Squirrel.
And she is nuts.
Ganelon: Ha. Ha ha.
Apheori (GM): And George gives her Dawn.
They proceed to stare at each other.
Radek: ...Is this another one?
How many are there?
Amadi: thirteen, approximately. With an allowable failure buffer of five.
The flaming fuck were they doing?
Radek: ...
Greibel: Language, young lady
Greibel takes a toke of his bong
Radek: I'm not sure that I am prepared to deal with thirteen.
Greibel: I'm sure they'll reveal themselves slowly for the sake of your sanity.
Frezak (GM): brb
Gaurav: "And George gives her Dawn." -- like, hands her over?
Amadi: You won't need to. That as many have solidified as you have is peculiar, but they're... they're not here for you.
Gaurav: I suppose Rhu is still blind and cannot see the aurora, unless it's hairy?
Amadi: Nevermind that, though. I expect you'd like me out of here, no? Could you lend a hand?
Apheori (GM): Yup.
And yup.
Does he have anything to say about it?
Gaurav: Nope. He hasn't looked at the sky since he got the mask, so he probably thinks the sky is meant to be hairy.
Radek: ...What do you need help with, exactly?
Amadi: Magic! And creation.
Amadi climbs down off Gravy.
Radek: If that is the most accurate explanation you can give, then you may well be here forever.
Gaurav: Is the sky-hair any different from the wall-hair or people-hair?
Amadi: It's a specific object, but my magic seems to be broken. It's like it's a good mould, but the batter is messed up, so If you can do the actual mixing and baking and I'll show you the pan, do you think you could make the bread?
Apheori (GM): It's both really far away and really close.
Radek: Roll jargon or something.
Rhu reaches out to try and touch the sky-hair, then giggles softly.
Rhu: So much hair.
rolling 1d20+16Jargon
Apheori (GM): Yay +16!
Frezak (GM): Gravy will dig a hole just in case.
Apheori (GM): Radek: She wants you to do a ritual with her assisting.
Amadi walks over and grabs Rhu by the head in the meantime.
Amadi: (to Rhu) Do you know any songs?
Gaurav: Here? We should go back to the village first.
Radek sighs and grumbles.
Radek: ...I can do that.
Rhu: Ow! What? Songs?
Amadi: Sing, please.
Rhu looks around at the others in confusion, then start sings a random pop song from his home planet really, really badly. It sounds a bit like "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life".
Gaurav: Should I roll to stay in tune?
Apheori (GM): Naw, just singing is good enough.
She looks satisfied at this and then shoves a hand in your head.
Do you keep singing?
Gaurav: ... in?
Apheori (GM): In.
Greibel: That's an interesting expression of her love of music
Apheori (GM): It doesn't actually hurt, but anyone looking sees a hand just go... in.
Bear Soup Guy: err, that was OOC but I guess it works IC too
Apheori (GM): XD
Gaurav: If it doesn't hurt, Rhu won't react. It'll look to him like the Amadi-muppet is caressing his face except he can't feel it, which is not even the weirdest thing that's happened in the last ten minutes. He'll ignore it.
Apheori (GM): Okay.
Gaurav: And keep on singing badly.
Apheori (GM): She yanks something dark and hairy out and suddenly everything is normal again. You can see normally, hear normally, there's colour, etc etc etc. Also you're really hungry.
Radek scowls intensely at Rhu's attempts at singing.
Amadi drops Rhu and goes over to Radek, holding out the dark hairy thing.
Rhu gasps
Amadi: Can you use this as a base?
Ganelon: You tell me, Miss DM.
Apheori (GM): Arcana to figure out what it even is.
Hey, for all I know Radek would say yes even if he doesn't know. XD
Rhu: What the FUCK
I can see! I can see again!
Greibel: LANGUAGE, young man!
Greibel tokes again
Rhu runs up and hugs Greibel
Rhu: It's gone! It's gone and I can see!
rolling 1d20+16
Of course I can.
Greibel coughs out a plume of smoke
Squirrel: (singing) Laaaaaanguage language language! Language!
Ganelon: The rolls keep getting worse!
Greibel: I'm glad to see that my attempt at surrogate parental guidance has resonated with you
Apheori (GM): Radek: You're not entirely sure what it is, but figure you should be able to sort it out once you get to work on it.
Radek stares hard at the black squiggly.
Apheori (GM): I mean, because you've got some idea, not because you're that utterly lost.
Radek stares /very/ hard at the black squiggly.
Rhu is just kind of jumping around exultantly in the background.
Ganelon: http://www.seventh-house.org/extras/Zetman_CrazyFace4.jpg
Approximately this hard.
Apheori (GM): Eeeek.
Gaurav: Damn.
Apheori (GM): It's a good thing it can't run away.
Bear Soup Guy: one eye bulges out of his head like that teacher in Daria
Radek nods after a while.
Radek: ...Let us begin.
Apheori (GM): Functionally I guess this is just like make whole.
Except weirder.
Ganelon: Creating stuff is most of what Artificers do.
Apheori (GM): Aye, that helps.
Ganelon: Weird how there's no ritual for actually making mundane objects, though. Just making them magical.
Apheori (GM): Amadi gives you the squiggly and I need two arcana rolls.
Radek: 26
Ganelon: If this is traditional assisting, he gets a +2 to those from being helped.
Apheori (GM): Yeah, it works and nothing particularly weird happens. After much not so particular weirdness, a fair bit of black stuff floating around, and a weird feeling of up to three different entities in his mind, you have... a box.
And a letter.
Rhu attempts to climb the closest tree, making whooping noises interspersed with random praises to Hazz'ridan
Frezak (GM): If you want to create mundane objects you take the Martial Practice for it.
Mundane means for mundane things.
Or be a Shaper Discipline Psion.
Apheori (GM): Rhu: Roll athletics to climb.
Amadi: Whoohoo!
You're good.
Radek grumbles.
Gaurav: Can I use acrobatics instead to somersault up the tree?
Apheori (GM): No.
rolling d20+3 athletics to climb tree
Frezak (GM): I could just /put/ you into a tree.
Apheori (GM): Rhu fails to climb the tree.
Bear Soup Guy: I picture Rhu falling backwards, landing hard on the ground, and just grinning widely before standing up to run around yelling again
Gaurav: ^
That. That happens.
Apheori (GM): Yes.
It all fits.
Radek picks up the box and letter, but does not open the former.
Apheori (GM): Meanwhile Squirrel pokes Dave a few times, giggles, and then runs up a tree. Literally running sideways up the tree.
Dave rubs her head.
Gaurav: No stone with a symbol on it?
Apheori (GM): Just a box, maybe 25x15x10cm.
And a letter.
Rhu runs back to the rest of the group.
Ganelon: Tell me what the letter says. He'll read it.
Apheori (GM): It's this. http://wiki.zaori.org/compendium/Letter_84
Rhu: Wow. Okay. WOW. This. This is pretty amazing.
(to Amadi) Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.
Amadi: Oh, uh... you're welcome.
Gaurav: Rhu will attempt to hug Amadi if she doesn't look scared of his overenthusiasm at this point. Otherwise: an aborted hug and a handshake.
Radek: ...Hrm.
Apheori (GM): The latter, then. She'd try to pull away.
Frezak (GM): Gravy looms over Radek to read the letter.
Unless Radek tries to hide it from Gravy's eyes.
Ganelon: Nah.
Bear Soup Guy: A book the size of a house that sits in the middle of a courtyard somewhere exuding an aroma of sulfur
Ganelon: Radek, being a fast reader, very likely finishes it before Gravy and hands it over to him.
So he can open the box.
Rhu: Oh. Sorry.
Rhu tries to get a grip on himself.
Apheori (GM): The box contains a circular contraption with spaces for seven stones, three more of the stones themselves, and a few chunks of something that looks like it shattered.
Bear Soup Guy: "You may not remember me" - Accurate statement
Frezak (GM): What material was the shattered thing?
Apheori (GM): It actually seems more like some sort of plastic.
Gaurav: BSG: it might be a reference to that person who handed you the first stone in the marketplace in Coffle?
Frezak (GM): Yeah, the teleporting lady.
Put your rocks in the thing.
Gaurav: She's in the session logs as "Mysterious Woman": http://wiki.zaori.org/wiki/Holes/Session_9
Bear Soup Guy: Ah, got it. I did remember her but I didn't pin her for the letter writer for some reason.
But I've forgotten all the names of all the towns and planets we've been to, so there's that
I swear it's for my character!
Radek: Where are those stones all of you were carrying around?
Rhu hands the two stones he's carrying to Radek
Greibel gets out his stones and hands them over
Apheori (GM): You wind up with, altogether, a pile of the following: bird, tree, mask, dragon, contagion, cat, dream, and fire.
There also seem to be symbols around the sockets in the contraption, but they've mostly worn off.
Ganelon: I'll do my best to place the stones we've got into their correct sockets, then.
If the symbols are worn off...
Well, Gravy's got good eyes.
We've more stones than slots though, don't we?
Apheori (GM): 8 stones, 7 slots.
Gaurav: Maybe different combinations do different things to the mechanism? Haerevan might know more about this, given that it was his idea.
We still need to exorcise Amadi at some point.
Bear Soup Guy: Maybe it has an Exorcise Amadi setting
Ganelon: Okay, I suppose I ought to ask instead.
Do any symbols on the device seem to correspond to symbols on these stones?
Apheori (GM): You can't tell.
Ganelon: Hmm.
Apheori (GM): Get Gravy to look at it.
Or not.
You look closely and it's like the symbols were never entirely even placed.
Frezak (GM): I want to feel the stones.
Feel where they want to be.
Feel where they should be.
Feel the empty spaces, and the spaces that are empty, and what they need.
Apheori (GM): Roll madness or arcana.
Or both.
Frezak (GM):
rolling 1D20 Madness
rolling 1D20+4 Arcana
Gaurav: I have a nasty suspicion that Rhu's hairy-vision might have helped here.
Apheori (GM): You wind up with stones placed seemingly at random, with the cat left over.
Ganelon: Does anything happen?
Apheori (GM): Nope.
Rhu: (to Amadi) What is that thing?
Amadi: Some sort of... thing.
They used it to detect and transport oddities.
Back when they had all the pieces. Before the universe tried to write it all out of existence.
Also, I should probably let you have your friend back.
And get back.
To waiting.
Radek: Does this device have multiple configurations?
Rhu: Waiting?
Radek: The letter describes it as a puzzle.
Amadi: For the bread.
(to Radek) It seems to be missing the top, which might be important.
Basically they'd first have folks turn it on - that was the test. Then it would be reordered to change the function - the puzzle, to counter the puzzle of the...
Amadi just stops, not sure what she was saying.
Radek: ...Yes?
Amadi: I don't know. It's not there.
Radek: Hrmph.
Perhaps I can fix it.
Ganelon: The device, he means. Not Amadi.
Rhu: We could try putting it in the order in which we encountered those things. Cat-Tree-Contagion-Dream-Fire-Dragon-Mask. Not sure about the bird.
Amadi nods, waves slightly, says, "Goodbye," convulses a bit, and then falls over.
Rhu checks Amadi's vital signs
rolling d20+15 heal check on Amadi
Apheori (GM): She's alive, just unconscious.
Gaurav: Any sign of zombie!Amadi re-emerging? How would we know?
Apheori (GM): Radek could probably arcana it.
Or you could try to guess with a madness roll.
Ganelon: I want to see that first.
Gaurav: Let's keep focussing on the box then. Or we can take it back to the village along with George and get some rest before poking at it further.
Ganelon: We solved the zombie problem, I suppose.
Gaurav: We did! I hope George is happy. If anybody who aspires to mini-Radek-ness can ever be happy.
Ganelon: Radek is capable of being happy, in his own way.
You may recall that he had a brief fit of generosity following a certain revelation.
And now Gravy's shovel is magic.
Gaurav: True.
Apheori (GM): So everyone's ready to just head back?
Ganelon: Yeah, Radek will try to Make Whole on the broken thing in the box - and the contraption itself - but it can wait until they're somewhere more comfortable.
Frezak (GM): I also have magic boots.
Ganelon: Right, those too.
Gaurav: I like the idea of going back, unless someone wants to spend the night under the aurora?
Apheori (GM): Great, next time you'll be in town with stuff and things.
Frezak (GM): I'm cool with not sleeping below eldritch skies.
Apheori (GM): Sorry this was so short, and sorry about flipping out at someone not showing up.
Ganelon: Understandable.
Bear Soup Guy: It was a very mild flip-out
Regardless, this was a fun session
Gaurav: Yes! We got a cool letter and a magic box to play with.
Bear Soup Guy: I'm going to go have a shower before the paint starts peeling from the walls
Bye everyone! See you next time!
Gaurav: bye, BSG!
Apheori (GM): For the log: 16 december
And that
I love you guys, even if this is insanely early.