Recipes/Creamy shrimp pasta
A fragment of the Garden of Remembering
< Recipes
- pasta
- some onions
- some garlic (minced)
- an amount of wine
- herbs and/or other flavouring, or not (probably not needed, just black pepper)
- fish sauce
- shrimp
- pepper
- lemon juice
- chili paste
- yoghurt
- honey
- milk or whatever (liquid to make sauce consistency of sauce)
Start pasta.
Slice and fry onions. Once browned, add garlic, herbs, flavouring, fish sauce. Fry some more. Add wine so it doesn't burn; reduce. Remove from pan.
Fry shrimp. Add pepper and lemon juice. Once shrimp are browned, readd aliums and make sauce: add chili paste, yoghurt, honey, milk or whatever. Turn into sauce. Add noodles.