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A fragment of the Garden of Remembering

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=== Begin ===
.sp-shot-heading {
font-weight: bold;
= The Room at Midnight =
== Begin ==
It is... dark. Black. Empty. The home of nothing at all. A voice drifts through the void, right at home, bright against the black, and fades into view.
The word lingers, and then we look down, down, down through the black and find her seated on... not the ground, but a ground. A background, perhaps, to her foreground in a sliver of not-quite-light.
Welcome to Midnight.
== The players ==
INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
It's a rectangular room with four walls, and all fairly well-decorated, with a susprisingly tasteful assortment of perhaps a few too many plants, mostly ferns, scattered around amongst the funiture in lieu of knicknacks.
FERN is sitting on a bed staring at the wall. The nearby window is shattered, with glass all over the floor, and the curtains are blowing a bit in the breeze.
'''''Fern''': I've been staring at a wall for three days now. I can't seem to remember much. After everything that happened, it's all... a bit confusing.
'''''Fern''': I think I remember something about goats. And the Architect. And a whole lot of universes coming together for one hectic instant to fix some unfortunate incident, but it's fuzzy, like it didn't really happen, or I wasn't really there, or maybe I just lost the part of me that really was there.
A goat wanders in, eating some paper.
Hi goatsy. I'm not here right now. Please leave a message at the beep.
Fern beeps.
'''''Fern''': I don't know. Some of the others apparently died and stuff, so I guess I got off easy, even though I'm pretty sure I really didn't hallucinate the three goats crashing in through the window right after.
The goat climbs up Fern's lap with its front legs.
'''''Fern''': All I really know right now is that there seems to be a goat in my lap for some reason.
The goat looks up at her hopefully, but Fern just sort of stares right through it.
'''''Fern''': And I can't seem to stop staring at the wall.
Hi there.
Oh, hello, wall.
You've looked better.
'''''Fern''': I also seem to be hallucinating.
The wall that's speaking just appears to be a normal wall. It doesn't even have a mouth or anything.
The fifth wall, shoved haphazardly into a corner between two of the other walls, however, is anything but normal. It's huge, bigger than anything. It doesn't line up with anything. It looks more like a window, or a hole, looking out on the cosmos. The entirety of the universe, or at least ''a'' universe, laid out before it. It's utterly black, but not.
Fern is very pointedly not looking at this one.
'''''Fern''': The problem is, I'm not sure what all is the hallucination and what isn't. For instance, the goats seem to be real.
Another goat wanders over and stops in the doorway. It makes a goat sound.
Mmm, goats. You like goats?
'''''Fern''': The wall in front of me may or may not be talking to me. But the fifth wall, that horrible hole back there that seems as though to be a window into the extended multiverse, I have no idea what is up with that.
'''''Fern''': I think it's been there all along.
There's a knocking from the front door.
EXT. Porch; Fern's house - day
Three mismatched weirdos who can at best be collectively referred to as 'people', NATHAN, DARREN, and YASA, are all at the door. Nathan is standing somewhat hunched-over-like in a trenchcoat and fedora and dark shades, looking Not Suspicious At All, and bangs on the door knocker a bit.
Yasa is in an elegant black dress, very high-heeled boots, and impeccably matched jewellery. Her black dreads are tied back in an elaborate bun. She leans down and tries to peer in through the peephole.
Darren, in jeans and a t-shirt, is slightly off to the side. He just looks bored.
Nathan knocks again, louder this time.
Fern, you useless fuck, you in there?
Oy, rude.
INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
Fern hears this, but doesn't even look up.
You gonna get that?
Fern doesn't respond to this either.
EXT. Porch; Fern's house - day
That's sort of the point. Next up we're breaking an entering.
What is it with you and breaking and entering and kidnapping and larceny and fraud and piracy and grand theft and good god is there anything you ''haven't'' done at this point?
Shut up. I'm living my life.
Yasa gives Nathan a worried look.
(to Yasa)
He's exaggerating, anyhow. Only times I ever kidnapped anyone it was needed.
(yelling at the door)
Fern! If you don't answer, I'm breaking in!
No answer comes.
Eh, fine.
Nathan gets out a lockpicking set and picks the lock.
If you're not a hardened criminal, then why do you know how to do that?
Nathan pushes the door open and peers inside.
(over his shoulder)
Asks the wannabe hacker.
Yeah, and I'm sure you've done all the things with hookers.
Yasa ignores this exchange and heads inside.
(calling out worriedly)
The others follow.
INT. Fern's house, inside - day
They wind up in some sort of living room, with a kitchen area over an island opposite them.
It's a bit of a mess. Potted, as well as de-potted, plants are everywhere, especially ferns. There is a goat chewing on one of them. Mail is all over the table, and dishes, including the remains of an apparently goated meal, are all over the counter. Several cats seem to have taken up residence.
Somehow I don't think she's actually here.
So we check all the rooms, see if there's any signs where she ''is''.
Yasa approaches some of the cats, but they just scatter.
Wait, you don't mean... something might have happened to her?
No, clearly not. I mean, it's not like she's been missing for the better part of a week, or stuff.
Obviously not.
They split up to search the rooms.
Nathan goes over to check out the kitchen area.
The floor on the other side of the island is full of bees. There is a beehive in the middle, surrounded by buzzing. Nathan gives it a long, unimpressed look before slowly backing away and leaving.
INT. Bathroom; Fern's house - day
A stray cat has taken over the guest bathroom. It growls as Yasa turns the light on.
Hi, kitty.
The cat growls some more.
Seen a tiny crazy plant lady around anywhere?
The cat growls.
I'll take that as a no.
INT. Basement; Fern's house
The basement is completely empty aside from a bucket in the middle of the floor, full of what appear to be breadsticks.
Darren approaches it warily. He eyes it carefully. He picks up a breadstick and sniffs it.
Something shifts. There seem to be voices in the surrounding space. It's bigger than it was, emptier, and the lighting tilts...
What the...
Darren hastily drops the breadstick and everything goes back to normal.
INT. Living room; Fern's house - day
Yasa finds the back sofa room to be full of clothing dummies. Fabric and half completed projects are draped over them, and strewn across the furniture and floor. Several of the dummies have cats on them, which all procede to stare at her.
(threading her way between them)
Death broke out in chronic cats too.
The cats don't move, simply continue to stare, watching her as she passes.
She holds her hand out to one, but it just stares at her, so she pets it a bit. It continues to stare at her.
Tense, are you?
Giving the room a walk/jump through (the floor is a bit covered in obstacles), she finds it to be entirely devoid of Fern. She does find a goat, which quickly trots away as she rounds one of the sofas.
Leaving, she nearly collides with Darren, and they both startle in a mildly cliché manner.
INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
To Nathan, there are only four walls. Fern is sitting on the bed, staring at the wall adjacent.
There is a goat sitting on the floor in front of her.
As he enters, Fern doesn't look up.
Nathan plants himself over the goat.
Oy Fern.
She doesn't move.
Midget. Crazy lady. DM.
Still no response.
(in a whisper)
''Hahterite? Amear eona?
INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
It's slightly later. Darren and Yasa have crowded in as well. The three of them are all standing around Fern at this point, and she's looking up at them curiously.
'''''Fern''': These are my friends. At least, I think they are. I remember them as such. I can't quite remember what I should be doing with them.
Are you real, then?
Fern stares at him curiously, and then smiles ever so slightly.
'''''Fern''': Friends. Yes. They're real.
Nathen picks up Fern and hoists her over his shoulder, turns, and wordlessly trods out. The others follow.
The fifth wall also follows.
EXT. Fancy restaurant - evening
It's busy. People are around outside waiting, and a GUY with a pedestal at the entrance is tactfully fending them off.
Yasa pushes her way through, walking deliberately and somewhat loudly as her heels clonk on the ground. Nathan and Darren are following, Nathan again carrying Fern. They're all still wearing the same clothes, though Fern now has a coat wrapped around her, and Darren a ratty jacket on. Nathan has lost his hat.
Yasa stops in front of the guy and stares down at him.
(looking up)
I believe we have a reservation.
And the name on...
(he stops, noticing Nathan and Darren)
Are they with you?
(leaning over the pedestal and leering a bit)
Darren pulls a cyan and hot pink checkered tie out of his pocket and ties it around his neck. Badly.
Do you always carry that?
You never know when you'll need to sell someone a previously owned coffin.
(to the guy)
The guy gives her a confused look.
Sorry, the name on the reservation. It's Shahanna.
(checking his book and then responding much more assuredly)
Oh, um. Yes. The rest of your party is waiting.
INT. Fancy restaurant - evening
Nathan's sister, ALEXIS, is at a large corner table, along with another pair of siblings: PERCY and MAYA. Some appetisers are on the table. Alexis and Percy are chatting. Maya is on her phone, and nibbling at some dumplings.
Nathan plonks Fern down next to Maya and scoots in himself.
Maya pokes Fern with a dumpling.
She... okay?

{{line|Fern (V.O.)|Sense. Feeling. Memory. So much of it, and so much light and warmth and life. I could feel it all, all around me, in vast extent, and it all felt new and strange. Even as I remembered much of this the same as when living before, I didn't relate to it. The memories were there, supposedly mine, but they were just memories, same as the infinite multitude of others I had absorbed over the ages.
Ooo, food.

No, this was different. These feelings, this sense, this space, it was all mine, in the now, with all of the past, present and future before me to be discovered... all mine. I felt like I could do anything, and this scared me. I knew that I felt like I could do anything, and this terrified me. And I felt myself terrified... and this, above all else, reassured me. It centered me, this terror, and in time, it became the entirety of my world, focusing on my fear, fear that I only recognised for what it was from what I had felt vicariously in the many souls that had already come to me, but something that I have never felt before myself...
Darren sits down and digs in.

I do not know how long I lay there, centered in my terror, surrounded by light, by so much everything and not daring to look at it, to touch it, to acknowledge its existence...
(looking at Darren very disappointedly)

And then a goat crashed in through the window, showering broken glass everywhere.}}
They didn't seem to mind.

They have class and abide by all their customers.

=== Tree ===
Whatever that is.

{{block|set='''EXT, Park'''|time=Day|DARREN, NATHAN, and ALEXIS are crossing the green on the way to the supermarket.}}
Sounds expensive.

{{line|Darren|paren=flailing his arms|No, no, no, no, no! You have it all wrong! I'm talking epic, here. Something truly epic, Star Wars epic, Babylon 5 epic, Lord of the Rings epic, Cthuhlu epic...}}
The opposite of you two, probably.

{{line|Nathan|Otherland epic? Godot epic... Guy trapped in his cubicle epic -}}
Yasa also scoots in.

{{line|Darren|I've seen that one. He gnaws his own arm off.}}
Fern tentatively reaches out to poke an appetiser.

Everyone watches her intently.

{{line|Darren|Seriously, though. We need something epic. Something really epic. Something -}}
She pokes it, and withdraws the arm.

{{line|Alexis|Epic like the Iliad? Or perhaps the Epic of Gilgamesh or Paradise Lost... perhaps Cantos?}}
Maya skewers it on a fork and jabs it at Fern's face.

{{block|There is an awkwardly long pause.}}
You eat it.

{{line|Darren|What are those?}}
Fern stares at it blankly.

Shove it in your face. Like this.

Eh, what do they teach you in your schools here?}}
Maya demonstrates shoving the food in her own face, then skewers another one and hands the fork to Fern.

{{line|Darren|paren=he stops|They teach things in schools?}}
Fern stares at the skewered food for a bit, and then starts nibbling on it.

{{line|Alexis|paren=smiling|Not to some students, evidently.}}
So what exactly do we think is wrong with her?

{{line|Darren|paren=he glares at her, continuing|No, no, I mean a movie or a series or something. Everything lately has been so lame. }}
{{line|Nathan|What about Avatar?}}
(shaking her head)
{{line|Darren|Don't get me started on that! It's just -}}
She can still speak, and seems to remember who you are?
{{line|Alexis|You haven't even seen Avatar.}}

Why are you so excitable over all this, anyhow? Just tele; not like we can actually live it.}}
Sort of?

{{line|Alexis|Oh, don't be too sure. This is Darren we're talking about...}}
It's like she's forgotten how to live. To be alive. She knows, but she's... forgotten.

{{line|Darren|Oh, shut it.}}
Stroke? But that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Why not? Can't aliens have strokes?

{{block|They walk under a large tree. Suddenly Fern falls out, landing on Darren. There is a brief panic, a flailing, and then Alexis and Nathan manage to disentangle Fern and Darren.}}
I don't know. I'm a psychologist, not a doctor, and even if I were I don't think that'd really be my...
My only other guess might be some sort of PTSD, but if that's really the case, without some idea of what caused it, we'll never be able to properly address it or avoid potentially making it worse.

{{line|Fern|Urk urk urk.}}
So what do we do?

{{line|Darren|paren=standing up|What the hell just happened?}}

{{line|Nathan|Fairy tale true love would be my guess.}}
Everyone just stops and stares at her, aside from Darren, who mumbles something about squirrels. Nathan smacks him.

{{line|Alexis|Are you okay?}}
We play the game. That's why you were looking for me, right? So that's what we'll do.

{{line|Darren|Seriously what the hell just happened?}}
Er, are you sure? Are you up for that? There's a lot that goes into running a game, let alone a good one...

{{line|Fern|paren=panicking|Uh, sorry.}}
To bring a broken soul back from the abyss, you remind it what it is to live. You immerse it in the day to day, and slowly, it relearns how to function. That's the theory, anyway. I think... I think I just need to remember. May I borrow your sofa?

{{line|Darren|paren=turning on Fern|You attacked me!}}
Of course. Whatever you need.

{{line|Fern|paren=backing away|Well, yes, I mean, no! That that's not it at all. See, this is all perfectly reasonable, because we are all perfectly reasonable people, and let's say you are a perfectly reasonable person out walking your perfectly reasonable dog and you bump into your perfectly reasonable neighbour, who was out collecting his perfectly reasonable morning paper; that's just as reasonable as a perfectly reasonable stranger that gets a perfectly reasonable idea and climbs a perfectly reasonable tree because she saw a perfectly reasonable squirrel!
I think we all have a very long way to go.


It's all perfectly reasonable!}}
= Heap of mostly organised pieces =

{{collapse|This is all collapsed because the header is a lie.|2=

EXT. Park - Day

{{line|Fern|paren=cocking her head|I... er... um...
DARREN, NATHAN, and ALEXIS are crossing the green on the way to the supermarket.

{{paren|She turns and runs away.}}}}
(flailing his arms)
No, no, no, no, no! You have it all wrong! I'm talking epic, here. Something truly epic, Star Wars epic, Babylon 5 epic, Lord of the Rings epic, Cthuhlu epic...

{{line|Darren|That just happened! What the hell was that?}}
Otherland epic? Godot epic... Guy trapped in his cubicle epic -

{{block|Alexis' phone rings, she answers it, talks a moment.}}
Epic like the Iliad? Or perhaps the Epic of Gilgamesh or Paradise Lost... perhaps Cantos?

{{line|Alexis|paren=closing her phone|Guys, I need to go. Mom fell. In the tub.
There is an awkwardly long pause in which the other two look at Darren expectantly.

What are those?

=== Kidnapping ===
Eh, what do they teach you in your schools here?

{{block|set='''EXT. Apartment complex'''|time=Night|It is dark. Two figures, NATHAN and DARREN, are leaving an apartment complex, carrying something large and bulky - a parcel.}}
(he stops)
They teach things in schools?

{{line|Darren|Well, that went about as badly as expected.}}
Aren't you ''in'' school?

{{line|Nathan|Eh, it could have gone a whole lot worse.}}

{{line|Darren|True. Someone could have seen.
They walk under a large tree.
{{paren|They load the parcel into Darren's car.}}
Or smelled... or heard...}}

{{line|Nathan|Smelled, eh... they still could. Except that they're probably used to the smell by now... If anyone *noticed,* though... That would have gotten real interesting in a not good, not good at all sort of way, real quickly.}}
And what's the damn point if you can't even get someone to tell you the story?

{{line|Darren|Worst they could do is arrest... oh. Right.
Darren gives him an annoyed look.
{{paren|he climbs in with the bundle and belts it down}}
Well, at any rate, what do you suppose we should do with her?}}

{{block|The parcel is revealed to be a duct-taped YASAKA NIHARI.}}
Suddenly Fern falls out, landing on Darren. There is a brief panic, a flailing, and then Alexis and Nathan manage to disentangle Fern and Darren.

Urk urk urk.

{{Block|set=INT. Dark hallway|It is 20 minutes earlier. Daren and Nathan are standing outside a door; Nathan is holding a small paper bag.}}
(standing up)
What the hell just happened?

{{line|Darren|You sure this is the right apartment?}}
Fairy tale true love would be my guess.

Are you okay?

{{line|Darren|Is it the one she said?}}
Seriously what the hell just happened?

{{line|Nathan|Sure, it's the one she said, but right about now I'm having a few doubts as to whether or not it is the right one, if you get my drift...}}
Uh, sorry.

{{line|Darren|You think she lied about her apartment?}}
(turning on Fern)
You attacked me!

{{line|Nathan|Well, put it this way. Were you addicted to a game and had a friend coming to your area who had already, ah, expressed a distaste for said addiction, would *you* necessarily tell him where you lived?}}
(backing away)
Well, yes, I mean, no! That that's not it at all. See, this is all perfectly reasonable, because we are all perfectly reasonable people, and let's say you are a perfectly reasonable person out walking your perfectly reasonable dog and you bump into your perfectly reasonable neighbour, who was out collecting his perfectly reasonable morning paper; that's just as reasonable as a perfectly reasonable stranger that gets a perfectly reasonable idea and climbs a perfectly reasonable tree because she saw a perfectly reasonable squirrel!
It's all perfectly reasonable!

{{line|Darren|paren=he considers|Maybe.
{{paren|turns to Nathan}}
(cocking her head)
I... er... um...
She turns and runs away.
That just happened! What the hell was that?
== Kidnapping ==
EXT. Apartment complex - Night
It is dark. Two figures, NATHAN and DARREN, are leaving an apartment complex, carrying something large and bulky - a parcel.
Well, that went about as badly as expected.
Eh, it could have gone a whole lot worse.
True. Someone could have seen.
They load the parcel into Darren's car.
Or smelled... or heard...
Smelled, eh... they still could. Except that they're probably used to the smell by now... If anyone ''noticed'', though... That would have gotten real interesting in a not good, not good at all sort of way, real quickly.
Worst they could do is arrest... uh. Wouldn't that be bad?
(he climbs in with the bundle and belts it down)
Well, at any rate, what do you suppose we should do with her?
The parcel is revealed to be a duct-taped YASAKA NIHARI.
INT. Dark hallway - night
It is 20 minutes earlier. Daren and Nathan are standing outside a door; Nathan is holding a small paper bag.
You sure this is the right apartment?
Is it the one she said?
Sure, it's the one she said, but right about now I'm having a few doubts as to whether or not it is the right one, if you get my drift...
You think she lied about her apartment?
Well, put it this way. Were you addicted to a game and had a friend coming to your area who had already, ah, expressed a distaste for said addiction, would *you* necessarily tell him where you lived?
(he considers for a moment before answering)
Let me handle this.
Let me handle this.
{{paren|he knocks. Nothing happens, so he knocks again, louder}}
Yaska Nehhari, we know you're in there. Open up!}}

{{line|block|A muffled clunk emits from inside.}}
Darren knocks. Nothing happens, so he knocks again, louder.
Yaska Nehhari, we know you're in there. Open up!
A muffled clunk emits from inside.
Ms. Nehhari, we're with the -
(cutting him off)
Yasa, it's Nathan. We brought food.
The door immediately slams open and a highly dishevelled head pokes out.

{{line|Darren|Ms. Nehhari, we're with the -}}
(she sees Nathan and then hugs him)
Kawaii! You're even cuter than the picture!

{{line|Nathan|paren=cutting him off|Yasa, it's Nathan. We brought food.}}
(pushing Yasa away)
Now, now, love. Don't be so forward - technically we just met.

{{block|The door immediately slams open and a highly dishevelled head pokes out.}}
(she takes the bag from Nathan)
Oh, very funny.

She starts poking around in the bag and then retreats back into the dark room.
{{paren|she sees Nathan and then hugs him}}
Kawaii! You're even cuter than the picture!}}

{{line|Nathan|paren=pushing Yasa away|Now, now, love. Don't be so forward - technically we just met.}}
What'd you bring, here...

{{line|Yasa|paren=she takes the bag from Nathan|Oh, very funny.
The others follow her in. Darren fumbles for a light switch for a bit, then manages to turn on the light, revealing a horrible mess.
{{paren|She starts poking around in the bag and then retreats back into the dark room}}
What'd you bring, here...}}

{{block|The others follow her in. Darren fumbles for a light switch for a bit, then manages to turn on the light, revealing a horrible mess.}}
I think it's time for plan B...

{{line|Darren|I think it's time for plan B...}}
(looks up, eating a cupcake)

{{line|Yasa|paren=looks up, eating a cupcake|Hmm?}}
We had a plan A?
Oh. Yasa, the WoW marathon is over.

{{line|Nathan|We had a plan A?<br>
Yasa she drops cupcake melodramatically, throwing out an arm for some reason.
Oh. Yasa, the WoW marathon is over.}}

{{line|Yasa|paren=she drops cupcake melodramatically, throwing out an arm for some reason|What?!}}

{{line|Darren|Sorry to do this, but...  
{{paren|he pulls a roll duct tape out of his vest}}
Sorry to do this, but...

{{block|An epic scene ensues in which Nathan and Darren attempt to overpower Yasa. There is much grabbing and flailing, after which Nathan manages to pin down Yasa, whilst Darren has at her with the roll of duct tape. Somehow, staple removers, nail guns, dead plants, a lamp, frying pans, crowbars, wax lips, and a small ferret also come into it. After much struggling, Yasa resembles a large parcel - the parcel seen previously.
Darren pulls a roll duct tape out of his vest, and an epic scene ensues in which Nathan and Darren attempt to overpower Yasa. There is much grabbing and flailing, after which Nathan manages to pin down Yasa, whilst Darren has at her with the roll of duct tape. Somehow, staple removers, nail guns, dead plants, a lamp, frying pans, crowbars, wax lips, and a small ferret also come into it. After much struggling, Yasa resembles a large parcel - the parcel seen previously.

Then the door slams and all is quiet once more. Some stuff flutters down, including a doctor's appointment note...
Then the door slams and all is quiet once more. Some stuff flutters down, including a doctor's appointment note...

Yasa's cat pokes out of a corner and starts eating the abandoned cupcakes.}}
Yasa's cat pokes out of a corner and starts eating the abandoned cupcakes.

=== Cleaning ===

{{block|set='''FERN's house'''|Nathan and Darren hand Yasa over to Fern with a brief explanation as to why. They put her on the sofa and leave.}}
Nathan and Darren hand Yasa over to Fern with a brief explanation as to why. They put her on the sofa and leave.

{{line|Fern|paren=unbinding Yasa|Ah, little one... they meant no harm. But you are an interesting one... a lady of butterflies?}}
(unbinding Yasa)
Ah, little one... they meant no harm. But you are an interesting one... a lady of butterflies?

{{line|Yasa|paren=she sits up groggily|Nnnnnggg?|
{{paren|looking around}}
(she sits up groggily)
I... uh... yeah?}}
(looking around)
I... uh... yeah?

{{line|Fern|You have not flown for awhile, little birdwing. What happened?}}
You have not flown for awhile, little birdwing. What happened?

{{line|Yasa|Flown? What?}}
Flown? What?

{{line|Fern|No matter, no matter.  
{{paren|she stands}}
No matter, no matter.
Come, let's get you cleaned up.}}
(she stands)
Come, let's get you cleaned up.

{{line|Yasa|paren=jumping back|What?!}}
(jumping back)

{{line|Fern|paren=she backs into a shadow, allowing her eyes to glow in the dim lighting|Cleeeaaaned.}}
Fern backs into a shadow, allowing her eyes to glow in the dim lighting.


{{block|Noises are coming from the bathroom.}}

{{line|Yasa|Agh! It burns! It burrrns!}}

{{block| *fizzzzle*}}
Noises are coming from the bathroom.
{{block| *scrub scrub*}}

{{line|Fern|Oh, hold still. It's like you never saw a bar of soap...}}
Agh! It burns! It burrrns!

{{line|Yasa|Nooooo! Let me go! Let me gooo!}}
: *fizzzzle*
: *scrub scrub*

Oh, hold still. It's like you never saw a bar of soap...

{{block| *splash*}}
{{block| *scritttch*}}
Nooooo! Let me go! Let me gooo!
{{block| *explode*}}

{{line|Fern|You know, if you'd been eating properly the past few weeks, you'd probably be strong enough to just go...
: *splash*
: *scritttch*
: *explode*

But no. Instead you shall be cleaned}}
You know, if you'd been eating properly the past few weeks, you'd probably be strong enough to just go...
But no. Instead you shall be cleaned

{{block| *clean*}}
: *clean*

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! OOWWW!

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! OOWWW!}}
: *ploop*
: *streeeetch*

{{block| *ploop*}}
{{block| *streeeetch*}}
It's just a hairbrush!

{{line|Fern|It's just a hairbrush!}}
: *yank*

{{block| *yank*}}

: *greeeek*
: *creeeEEEEEEEk*

{{block| *greeeek*}}
{{block| *creeeEEEEEEEk*}}
Oh, calm down.
{{block| *screeEEEEAAAAAAAAAK*}}

{{line|Fern|Oh, calm down.}}
{{line|Yasa|You devil of a creature...}}
You devil of a creature...

{{block| *scrub*}}
: *scrub*

{{line|Fern|You talking to me or the toothbrush?}}
You talking to me or the toothbrush?

{{block| *smash*}}
{{block| *dash*}}

{{line|Fern|I hope you don't mind dreadlocks...}}
: *smash*
: *dash*

{{block| *scraaaatch*}}
{{block| *bash*}}
I hope you don't mind dreadlocks...

{{block| *clonk*}}

: *scraaaatch*
: *bash*

=== Story setup ===
: *clonk*

{{block|set=INT. Shahanna living room|time=Night|The party is gathered around Fern's chair, a large armchair pulled up to the coffee table.}}

{{line|Fern|Right, got the information for making the characters around here somewhere...
{{paren|she rifles through her bag, then shoves her arms, head and shoulders into it in a desperate, all-out reach, then emerges victorious.}}}}

{{line|Percy|So, basically, we are... being these people? Things?}}
Nathan and Darren tell Alexis about Yasa. And kidnapping her. And dumping her on the suspicious plant lady.

{{line|Alexis|Basically. That, or you could say we are their authors. We say what they do, they do it. It's like writing a story, except each person controls one, and the 'dungeon master' controls the setting and everything else.}}
Is that even legal?

{{line|Percy|...in dungeons?}}
Who's going to press charges?

{{line|Alexis|It's a figure of speech...}}
That's not the point. You did, technically, abduct her. Won't someone notice?

{{line|Percy|...a 'master' who has never done this before.}}
How are interventions normally handled?

{{line|Alexis|Hey, means we are in good company.}}
(she winces)
By family, I think.

{{block|Maya enters with a bowl of dumplings and places it on the table.}}
She has no family. We're her family.

{{line|Maya|Courtesy of the freezer and a well oiled frying pan!
{{paren|She eats some dumplings.}}}}
We are?

{{line|Fern|Erm, here. Stuff. Basic class descriptions, setting information I wrote at two in the morning, races, gods, more stuff you may or may not find useful...
{{paren|She passes them around.}}}}
Remember Hunting Light?

{{line|Darren|paren=not looking at them|Meh... details.}}
Alexis looks at him quizzically.

{{line|Alexis|paren=reading|So if I just want to... um... ninjas...? Next they'll have pirates in motorboats off Sumatra...}}
In World of Warcraft. Our guild? 'Hunting Light'. The one that... fell apart a few months ago?

{{line|Nathan|Yeah, Lissal makes no sense.}}
(entirely too slowly/suddenly)
Oooooh, right! That one. Oops.

{{line|Fern|You should be glad as many of the gods make sense as they do.
(rolling his eyes)

Really, the things I could have put on there...}}
== Story setup ==

{{line|Yasa|paren=holding a sheet upsidedown|Meh, sense.
{{paren|She turns the sheet rightsideup.}}
INT. Shahanna living room - Night
The party is gathered around Fern's chair, a large armchair pulled up to the coffee table.
Right, got the information for making the characters around here somewhere...
she rifles through her bag, then shoves her arms, head and shoulders into it in a desperate, all-out reach, then emerges victorious.
So, basically, we are... being these people? Things?
Basically. That, or you could say we are their authors. We say what they do, they do it. It's like writing a story, except each person controls one, and the 'dungeon master' controls the setting and everything else.
...in dungeons?
It's a figure of speech...
...a 'master' who has never done this before.
Hey, means we are in good company.
Maya enters with a bowl of dumplings and places it on the table.
Courtesy of the freezer and a well oiled frying pan!
She eats some dumplings.
Erm, here. Stuff. Basic class descriptions, setting information I wrote at two in the morning, races, gods, more stuff you may or may not find useful...
She passes them around.
(not looking at them)
Meh... details.
So if I just want to... um... ninjas...? Next they'll have pirates in motorboats off Sumatra...
Yeah, Lissal makes no sense.
You should be glad as many of the gods make sense as they do. Really, the things I could have put on there...
(holding a sheet upsidedown)
Meh, sense.
(she turns the sheet rightsideup)
Who needs it? I could wonder why you made your own set of gods in the first...
Who needs it? I could wonder why you made your own set of gods in the first...
Ooo, angry hornets!

Ooo, angry hornets!}}

Percy and Alexis exchange amused looks.

{{block|Percy and Alexis exchange amused looks.}}

INT. Shahanna living room - Day

=== Introduction ===
The group is gathered around the coffee table, D&D books and character sheets scattered around. There's a bowl of dumplings on top of them.

{{block|set=INT. Shahanna living room|time=Day|The group is gathered around the coffee table, D&D books and character sheets scattered around. There's a bowl of dumplings on top of them.}}
(gesturing broadly)
{{line|Fern|paren=gesturing broadly|Sarathi.  
{{paren|she pauses for effect}}
(she pauses for effect)
Blah blah blah rich planet blah blah floating cities blah. Blah lost contact blah no signals blah blah blah anyone who ventures there never heard from again, blah. Blah blah. Satellite imaging blah oddities blah blah.
Blah blah blah rich planet blah blah floating cities blah. Blah lost contact blah no signals blah blah blah anyone who ventures there never heard from again, blah. Blah blah. Satellite imaging blah oddities blah blah.
{{paren|she leans forward}}
(she leans forward)
Blah, Sarathi blah blah blah.<br/>
Blah, Sarathi blah blah blah. Treasure blah blah blah blah blah.
Treasure blah blah blah blah blah.
(she grins, making a sweeping motion toward the others with her arm)
{{paren|she grins, making a sweeping motion toward the others with her arm}}
Blah blah blah so now you all are going to Sarathi blah for some reason, blah blah.
Blah blah blah so now you all are going to Sarathi blah for some reason, blah blah.
{{paren|another pause for effect, then with emphasis}}
(another pause for effect, then with emphasis)

Nathan facepalms.

{{line|Fern|paren=looking confused|What?}}
(looking confused)

{{line|Percy|Is that...
{{paren|he looks toward Alexis, confused}}}}
Is that...

{{line|Alexis|paren=she half-shrugs, shaking her head|No idea.}}
Percy looks toward Alexis, confused.

{{line|Darren|paren=he snorts|Wow.}}
(she half-shrugs, shaking her head)
No idea.

{{line|Nathan|Fern... you're a horrible DM.}}

{{line|Maya|Really? I quite liked it.}}
Fern... I mean this in the best possible way, but you're a horrible DM.

{{line|Nathan|You did?}}
Really? I quite liked it.

{{line|Maya|Certainly! It may seem trite to you, but I'll have you know that we have just been witness to nothing less than a distinctly satiric commentary on the state of modern entertainment, tying together principles of minimalism and suggestion to put more than merest description before us, but indeed concept, a concept from which we may create our very own worlds that are ever so much more dynamic than the flatness that would be one shared reality.}}
You did?

{{block|Percy stares at Maya, mouth agape. Around the room glances are exchanged and eyebrows raised, whilst Maya looks decidedly proud of herself and then promptly gets sidetracked by a dumpling.}}
Certainly! It may seem trite to you, but I'll have you know that we have just been witness to nothing less than a distinctly satiric commentary on the state of modern entertainment, tying together principles of minimalism and suggestion to put more than merest description before us, but indeed concept, a concept from which we may create our very own worlds that are ever so much more dynamic than the flatness that would be one shared reality.

{{line|Fern|I'll go with that.}}
Percy stares at Maya, mouth agape. Around the room glances are exchanged and eyebrows raised, whilst Maya looks decidedly proud of herself and then promptly gets sidetracked by a dumpling.

I'll go with that.

{{block|set=Kitchen|Yasa and Maya are poking at the saucer under a potted plant.}}
You didn't actually prepare anything, did you?

{{line|Alexis|Oh, for the last time. That's wet soil, not dead ants.}}
(looking embarassed)
Well... there was this meeting that came up all of a sudden, and others things kept coming up, and I had to deal with all the goats, and then I was going to write some intro, but I still had to put in the new window and all of a sudden it was time to come here and...

{{line|Maya|You... you sure?}}
That sounds disturbingly familiar.

=== Dilemmas ===
Fern nods, looking frazzled.

{{block|set=Shahanna hallway|Fern is walking down muttering to herself.}}
I'm sorry, but how did you even get in the house? I didn't see you come up...

{{line|Fern|I must tell them...

You came in the window, didn't you?
She came in the window.
INT Kitchen - day
Yasa and Maya are poking at the saucer under a potted plant.
Oh, for the last time. That's wet soil, not dead ants.
You... you sure?
== Miscellaneous fragments and things ==
INT. Shahanna hallway - day
Fern is walking down muttering to herself.
I must tell them...
No, I cannot...
No, I cannot...
But I must tell someone...
But them?
Why? Why tell anyone?
I must!
No, I cannot tell them...
Eh, tell whom what?
Erm, Nathan... do you make a habit of loitering outside of bathrooms?
Only when someone hogs them for the past HALF HOUR.
Agh! Go away!
Oh. I should probably come back later, then?
You know, there are two other bathrooms.
Then why are you loitering outside this one?
It... I left... I mean... He turns red.
Aaaah, machinations of the male psyche. Intriguing.
Bloody hell, woman, no!
Yasa walks up behind him.
Nay-nay-chan... I'd have thought you would know better. Really, trying to peek on a girl as she -
Agh, shut it!
Seriously. You take me for an unserious, a flutterby of butterflies, a... um... unserious thing?
Er... sorry?

But I must tell someone...
Yeah, I totally forgot what I was going to say there.
And what about all you yankees here?
If we're yankees, then that would imply that you must be a yanker. Which would indicates that you're yanking our chains, so somehow you've got us in chains, which means it's high time that we, the proletariat, rise up in a glorious revolution and overthrow our yanker oppressors.
Er... nevermind.
He backs away and then turns to Percy.
Remind me never to use slang again around your sister, much less ''ironic'' slang.
Percy winces.
INT. Somewhere
It's like bathrooms. Erm, public bathrooms - restrooms... with the stalls.
(she gestures to indicate the spacing)
People walk in and use the one on the end because they think it won't be as well used. Except enough people figure that that one won't be used and use it that it actually ends up the most used, you know?
(gesturing in the opposite direction)
So flip it around. Figure that people will figure it won't be used and use it, and so choose the one in the middle, instead. Except what if enough people figure that, then maybe using the ones on the end wouldn't be such a bad idea afterwards... but what if they figure that -
(cutting her off)
Yasa, people don't generally think that much.
(after a pause)
What, am I not a person?
Clearly not.
INT. Somewhere - probably.
Pfft, dildos... if you want to just stick something in you, it's not so incredibly difficult to pick up some guy in a bar and stick him in you, you know. Just make sure he understands condoms and even the texture is about the same. Cheaper too, really.
But that's the thing, right? If you're just you, why would you stick some little thing inside yourself? Sure, that's what sex involves, but if you just want pleasure there's no need for any of that squelchy stuff. Skip that, right? Straight to the orgasm.
Nathan starts to enter, then just stops in the doorway and stares. The two women haven't noticed him yet.
(looking slightly amused)
Would it creep you out if I said I knew exactly where you're going with this, how you came to this conclusion, and that I utterly agree despite not being entirely sure what a 'vacuum cleaner' is?
(she stares at Fern)
I... Yes, it most certainly would.
(he blinks)
Vacuum cleaner?
They don't hear him.
Then I did not say that.
Actually, that's...
Please continue.
You know what? Just...
(she takes a step backwards)
How could you possibly know that?
I know too much.
How much?
A few things. A lot of things. Most things, really. Not quite everything, though, and a lot of it hasn't happened yet, and some of it isn't real, and almost none of it is any use at all, really...
She trails off, her mind clearly elsewhere.
What did I just...
(he stops, the strangest expression on his face)
(turning red)
(she turns toward Nathan)
Nathan, do you have a vacuum cleaner?
That's just... I was just... I mean...
(He sputters)
I... I was just leaving.
(he gestures back toward the door)
Outward. Yes.
Nathan hastily turns around and leaves.
== Sarathi ==
=== Transition ===
The room is full of screens, doughnuts, and a passed out party. None of the screens are operational - all are either dark or contain only fractal static - and the party looks as though someone upended a box of doughnuts over them. Two more unlabelled boxes are stacked on a desk.
Alexis wakes up first, and immediately notices things are off. Her body is not her own, this place is not one she knows, and like a dream, nothing fits, and yet everything sort of feels like it's normal. She gets up and catches a doughnut before it can fall off her leg. The others, too, she does not recognise, and looks them over with concern - but as they appear to be both alive and no immediate threat, she goes to check the door first.
What she sees appears to alarm her, as she shuts it almost immediately, and goes to wake Nathan (Kisai), her shoulder.
Hey. Wake up.
Nnn what?
Alexis shakes him again and he starts to sit up.
All right, all right.
Where am I?
Don't know. I just woke up myself. Do you know anyone here?
Not particularly.
(he looks down at himself)
Hold on, am I a woman? I'm a woman. Why am I a woman?
(she smiles in spite of herself)
I don't know, why?
What... oh, no, no, no...
At the same time, Darren (Throllog) wakes up with a groan and smacks himself in the face. Nathan goes over to him cautiously as the half-giant starts to get up.
Hi. Is your name Darren, by any chance?
Yeah? Whatsit to...
Darren stops and looks down at Nathan, then examines his hands.
I don't...
Wait, Nathan? Darren.
Right. We're our characters.
Maya runs past gathering up doughnuts off the floor and others, waking the remaining members of the party.
Eeeeeeee donuts!
(she groans and starts to get up)
Where... how much did I drink?
(she lies down again)
No, nevermind. Don't wanna know.
You're a what huh?
Er, I'm sorry, but what is all of this?
It's me, Nathan. I'm... well...
That's Alexis, and I think you recognise your sister.
I... Maya?!
Yes! Wait, what?
No. I didn't do it.
How is this possible?
No idea.
This doesn't feel at all like acid.
Just saying. It seems like it might actually be happening. Is it?
(she suddenly looks confused)
I hope?
Maya tries to eat out of her amful of doughnuts, ducking her head down and biting at them. It is only partially successful.
(Staring at Maya somewhat disappointedly)
Uh-huh. Real.
Alexis shrugs and picks up her weapon.
Real or not, we should probably get moving. I don't know what this place is, but... well, I don't like it.

But them?
Maya starts bouncing around offering everyone doughnuts.

(Ignoring Maya)
We've fallen into a story and you... 'don't like it'?
And I'm a giant!

Why? Why tell anyone?
Half-giant, technically.

I must!
It's more than that. This place, it's too empty. Too quiet. Something's happened here.
(She gestures around the room)
This looks like a security office, but where are the guards? What's with the screens? If this is Sarathi, we need to get out of here, now.

No, I cannot tell them...}}
Maya interrupts her by forcefully offering a doughnut, which Alexis takes and examines.

{{line|Nathan|Eh, tell whom what?}}
And the doughnuts?

{{line|Fern|paren=startled|Erm, Nathan... do you make a habit of loitering outside of bathrooms?}}
It's Sarathi.

{{line|Nathan|Only when someone hogs them for the past HALF HOUR.}}
Yeah. And we ''need to get out of here.''

{{line|Maya|paren=inside|Agh! Go away!}}
Everyone basically agrees and there is much nodding and agreeing and stuff. Nobody actually does anything.

{{line|Fern|Oh. I should probably come back later, then?}}
Alexis sighs and bonks the door back open, pointing her rod-gun down the hall in a surprisingly practised motion, then heads out taking point.

{{line|Nathan|You know, there are two other bathrooms.}}
The others follow in a disorderly gaggle of followingness, Maya grabbing a whole box of doughnuts on the way out and continuing to try to give them to everyone else.

{{line|Fern|Then why are you loitering outside this one?}}

{{line|Nathan|It... I left... I mean... {{paren|He turns red.}}}}

{{line|Fern|Aaaah, machinations of the male psyche. Intriguing.}}

{{line|Nathan|Bloody hell, woman, no!}}
So... has anyone touched any strange black stones recently?

{{block|Yasa walks up behind him.}}
That's a television series.

{{line|Yasa|Nay-nay-chan... I'd have thought you would know better. Really, trying to peek on a girl as she -}}
And we're in another galaxy in our D&D characters' bodies.

{{line|Nathan|Agh, shut it!}}
Nathan looks at him skeptically.

{{line|Yasa|Seriously. You take me for an unserious, a flutterby of butterflies, a... um... unserious thing?}}
You know, he's got a point.

{{line|Nathan|Er... sorry?}}

{{line|Yasa|Yeah, I totally forgot what I was going to say there.}}

=== Hams ===
INT. Sarathi camp - night

{{block|set=Camp|time=night| Most of the party is trying to sleep. Nathan is glumly sitting an insomniac watch. Yasa gets up and wanders off, and Maya does the same, but in a different direction.}}
Most of the party is trying to sleep. Nathan is glumly sitting an insomniac watch. Yasa gets up and wanders off, and Maya does the same, but in a different direction.

{{block|Maya pokes around, looks in various rooms, exploring. She finds one full of fanged hams.}}
Maya pokes around, looks in various rooms, exploring. She finds one full of fanged hams.

{{line|Maya|Yay! Magic food!}}
Yay! Magic food!
{{line|Maya|paren=half singing|Oooh, magical food. Wonder what it tastes like... perhaps it can turn me into a mutant! A... vegetarian mutant, because it would be cannibalism to eat ham.

(half singing)
Oooh, magical food. Wonder what it tastes like... perhaps it can turn me into a mutant! A... vegetarian mutant, because it would be cannibalism to eat ham.
And there's no meat out there besides ham, of course.
And there's no meat out there besides ham, of course.
Or does magical ham eat ham? Perhaps they eat regular ham? But wouldn't that still be cannibalism?
Or does magical ham eat ham? Perhaps they eat regular ham? But wouldn't that still be cannibalism?

{{paren|She smiles.}}
She smiles to herself.

Well, now I'm curious! But how to find out...?
Well, now I'm curious! But how to find out...?
And I still wonder what it tastes like.
The hams start sqlorsh/sqrawing toward her.
Oh... well. Let's see, now.
She picks up two nearby ones.
Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Magical Ham, I just need you for a little experiment. That's fine by you, right?
She grins, nods what might be the head of one of them, and answers for it in a play-voice.
'Of course, dear, go right ahead.'
Maya tries to feed the hams to each other. One of them tries to bite her and succeeds in smacking her in the face. She flails and drops the hams.
Maya stares pointedly at the one, then at the other. The entire horde starts coming toward her again, so Maya grabs a piece of smashed door and swings at them; a few go flying but seem unharmed.
As Maya turns and runs away screaming, the hams give chase.
INT. Sarathi temple - night

And I still wonder what it tastes like.}}
Yasa enters a large hall that may be a temple, full of cat images.

{{block|The hams start sqlorsh/sqrawing toward her.}}
Someone really likes cats... wait, a muffin? Midriin? Then this would be Araktil, Lissal... Kiria...
(she smiles)
Ah, hello, Shakhi...

{{line|Maya|Oh... well. Let's see, now.  
LOKSHMI appears behind her.

{{paren|She picks up two nearby ones.}}
What, no hello for me?

Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Magical Ham, I just need you for a little experiment. That's fine by you, right?
Er... hi?
Where are you?

{{paren|She grins, nods what might be the head of one of them, and answers for it in a play-voice.}}
(pointing toward the end of the hall)
Down there.

'Of course, dear, go right ahead.'}}
Lokshmi, three-tailed, keeper of secrets, the glimmer of death, a destroyer at heart... you are the goddess of the night, of fury, frozen fire, memory, past, revenge...

{{block|Maya tries to feed the hams to each other. One of them tries to bite her and succeeds in smacking her in the face. She flails and drops the hams.}}
You surprise me, lady butterfly. Are you generally so versed in the gods of far off worlds?

Nope! But Fern seemed to like you.

{{block|Maya stares pointedly at the one, then at the other. The entire horde starts coming toward her again, so Maya grabs a piece of smashed door and swings at them; a few go flying but seem unharmed.}}
Fern... she isn't with you.

No... you wouldn't happen to know what's going on, would you?

{{block|As Maya turns and runs away screaming, the hams give chase.}}
Ah, now you are definitely being more astute than your character.

{{block|set=Large hall|Yasa enters a large hall that may be a temple, full of cat images.}}
INT. Sarathi camp - night
{{line|Yasa|Someone really likes cats...

Midriin, Araktil, Lissal...
Maya runs, screaming, into camp chased by a horde of fanged hams and then tries to lead them through the fire.

Oh, this again...

{{paren|she smiles}}
Again? Does your sister make a habit of being chased by hams, then?
Ah, hello, Shakhi...}}

{{block|LOKSHMI appears behind her.}}
Maya makes another pass through the fire.

{{line|Lokshmi|What, no hello for me?}}
Well... not exactly, but Maya's always had a weak spot for ham?

Lokshmi and Yasa enter.

Where are you?}}
Down, hams!

{{line|Loksmi|paren=pointing|Down there.}}
The hams obey and stop.
{{line|Yasa|Lokshmi, three-tailed, keeper of secrets, the glimmer of death, a destroyer at heart... you are the goddess of the night, of fury, frozen fire, memory, past, revenge...}}

{{line|Lokshmi|You surprise me, lady butterfly. Are you generally so versed in the gods of far off worlds?}}
Well, well. You and yours really are full of surprises, Lady Birdwing.

{{line|Yasa|Nope! But Fern seemed to like you.}}
Darren startles awake and looks blearily at the hams and then goes back to sleep.

{{line|Lokshmi|Fern... she isn't with you.}}
Yeah, but I believe the proper word is 'issues'. We have issues.

Maya carefully picks up a ham with a pair of chopsticks, then casually pokes another ham with it.
She grins, roasts them both, and starts eating one.

{{block|set=Camp|Maya runs, screaming, into camp chased by a horde of fanged hams and then tries to lead them through the fire.}}
Isn't it nice being eaten, Mrs. Magical Ham?
(singsong, waggling its 'head')
'Oh yes, dear, we do love providing little girls with proper protein.'
You taste deliciously, too!
'Oh, that's sweet of you, dear.'

{{line|Percy|Oh, this again...}}
I see.

{{line|Alexis|Again? Does your sister make a habit of being chased by hams, then?}}

{{block|Maya makes another pass through the fire.}}
(to Alexis)
You choose interesting company. Willingly travelling with the damned?

{{line|Percy|Well... Maya's always had a weak spot for ham?}}
Those two? Please. The only reason they ended up 'evil' was becasue 'lazy moron' wasn't an allignment option.

{{block|Lokshmi and Yasa enter.}}
(imitating Darren)
'Throllog smash stuff good! Throllog beat you! Graaaw!'
(she eyes Alexis suspiciously)
Wait, are you calling me a lazy moron?

Nathan and Percy exchange looks.

Down, hams!}}
Someone had to keep them out of trouble.

{{block|The hams obey and stop.}}
(she nods)
Know this.
Your characters hail from Hakeris Veroun, but this is Arikdirin Vak. You will find little respite here should you try to pursue their pasts.

Well, well. You and yours really are full of surprises, Lady Birdwing.}}
And these are...

{{block|Darren startles awake and looks blearily at the hams and then goes back to sleep.}}

{{line|Yasa|Yeah, but I believe the proper word is 'issues'. We have issues.}}
I can tell you this, for what little good it may do you: here, it is Ajirad and Irundha of Arikdirin Vak who reign king of the sandcastle. Be wary of them, for they do not abide by the same standards of mercy as your own Karamah of Lijria Savai.

{{block|Maya carefully picks up a ham with a pair of chopsticks, then casually pokes another ham with it.

She grins, roasts them both, and starts eating one.}}
That's quite a bit to parse.

{{line|Maya|Isn't it nice being eaten, Mrs. Magical Ham?
They are universes, and the ones who guard them at their hearts we call Kings.
Madmen named and charged with the protection of all that is, of all that we have and are. We may venerate these kings, we may curse them, we may ignore them outright, but they are always there.

{{paren|singsong, waggling its 'head'}}
(playing with a ham)
Except when they're not.

'Oh yes, dear, we do love providing little girls with proper protein.'
We are barred from those worlds.
(ventriloquising the ham)
We are barred from those worlds.
Aren't they?
You've come out into a relatively stable fragment. When it merges with the rest of reality, things will become very crazy.
'Become' crazy?
Do not test this reality, or it will only drive you mad.
Treat it as a dream, stick together, and get out. The narrative will guide you. Do not fight it.
How are we supposed to do that, get out? Or... out of what, our characters?
Out of the world. Off Sarathi, past the broken space. One cataclysm at a time, Guardian.
Not to be a downer or anything, but is that even possible? We haven't exactly come across a whole lot of functional tech.
How far out is out? If we just get something to achieve escape velocity, we can totally kill ourselves in space.
That would be sufficient. Get off the planet, and get a signal out, and that will be enough for a rescue. When that happens, however, do not tell them who you are.
Why would anyone care?
Who are we?
I'm Anybody.
We're Wayfarers, aren't we?
Lokshmi smiles unsettlingly, but the effect is somewhat ruined by Darren belching at the same time. She ignores him.
Yes... and you will find that this is not a world that takes kindly to trespassers.
What do you know of your own Realm?
Not much.
Fern said ours was a protected planet, only one god.
What, that blahman thing is real?
That'd explain a thing or two.
Really? What?
A thing or two.
But what?
A thing or two.
Maya gives him an annoyed look of icy death.
Do you know nothing of what lies beyond that... one?
Names. Some even in common. Teleoth, for instance. Oberoth, Cariya and Zhaloric, something about a Hazz...
Hazz'ridan. We needed someone to curse. A god of dead ends.
He was already there.
INT. Somewhere on Sarathi
They run into a CORALINE.
Agh! Oh, gods, you scared me.
Could say the same of you. You alright?
Yeah... er, wait, are you real? You need to get out of here!
Ya think?
Wait, wait. Are ''we'' real?
Everyone's real here. Even people who aren't, and things that are. We're passing through a quintessential paradox, and the dream is walking at a stately gait of 2.7 miles per hour.
(to Coraline)
How did you get here?
Book. Well, I mean... dreaming, basically.
(staring at Maya)
Who are you?
Name's Adora.
Not Adora Belle?
That's a horrible pun and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Oh, I am. Constantly.
Adora, do you know what's happening here?
To Sarathi, you mean?
(When they give no response, she continues)
Not really, no. Just the histories. It was a major disaster, taking the whole planet out of the world, spanning universes, but as far as what really happened, or what caused it... it's one of the great mysteries.
You say that like this has all already happened.
But hasn't it? Hasn't everything? It's just a matter of how you approach it.
For me, this is all history. Doesn't mean I can't come back and poke it.
(miming poking something with a stick)
(mock panicked)
Oh god, oh god, no! What have you done?! It's horrible! AAAAAGH!
Nathan covers his head.
(catching on)
What? Oh no! Noooo!
Darren flails a bit, but stops when Alexis smacks him with her rod.
Hold on. Quick question.
Why are we speaking English?
Glances are exchanged, some significant.
Are we sure we are?
Nathan made a pun. The pun wouldn't have worked if we weren't.
Puns can be translated. But English, you say?
Yes. This isn't...
Oh, no. Lovely planet, though. Very interesting.
Right, this is Sarathi. We're...
Stuff. A guy who looks suspiciously like the twilight zone guy appears.
Imagine, if you will, a world so devastated that the very laws of time and space no longer apply, where a single wrong turn can twist around and bring you back to a point which never happened. Its name, Sarathi. Its denizens, lost. But among these shadowed halls linger a few remaining souls who have not yet realised their ends. In just a moment, four trespassers will face their truest nightmare, a mystery of mirrored faces and mirrored words that will only unravel in the Twilight Zone.
The Twilight Zone Guy disappears in curls of smoke.
Oh my god we've entered the Twilight Zone.
Yes, I do believe we've rather firmly established that.
Was there supposed to be a punchline in there somewhere?
I've seen this one.
It hits Paris?
(ignoring him)
It's about a pair of newlyweds on their honeymoon. They take a wrong turn and wind up in a horrible nightmare office building. Well, that was what it looked like, anyway. Never was quite specified.
Is this an office building, then?
Does it matter?
No, not really. Just interesting.
How does it end? The episode.
They run into other versions of themselves and fight it out, each side convinced the other is impostors. Then right before the survivors get out they find that the others really were real and they killed them. The real ones. They killed themselves thinking they were them.
The others look a bit skeptical.
It's Twilight Zone. What did you expect?
Something totally useful.
Hold on - how do they get out?
They hear voices...
They don't.
INT. Some other building - day
Okay, so... now what?
Everything's dead. Suppose it stops being dead.
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!
(to Yasa)
Must you encourage her?
We should get outside.
(ignoring Percy)
Is that where the zombies will be?
What are you thinking?
Like in an earthquake. Get under the open air. Less to fall on you.

You taste deliciously, too!
Darren looks up for anything that seems to be loose, sees a somewhat precarious-looking light fixture, and hastily starts moving for the door. The others follow.
'Oh, that's sweet of you, dear.'}}

Aire libre.

It'll have tusks. I just know it.

Cut to something with tusks.

{{line|Lokshmi|paren=to Alexis|For a paladin, you choose interesting company. Willingly travelling with the chaotic evil?}}
=== Off Sarathi ===

{{line|Alexis|Those two? Please. The only reason they ended up 'evil' was becasue 'lazy moron' wasn't an allignment option.}}
INT. Cell - night

{{line|Yasa|paren=imitating Darren|'Throllog smash stuff good! Throllog beat you! Graaaw!'
Yasa, Maya, and Nathan are sitting in a cell. A GUARD is standing guard outside.

{{paren|she eyes Alexis suspiciously.}}
I'm bored.

Wait, are you calling me a lazy moron?}}
I'm bored.

{{block|Nathan and Percy exchange looks.}}

{{line|Alexis|paren=smiling|Someone had to keep them out of trouble.}}
Very bored.

Nathan glowers at them from the other bed.

=== Cell ===
Incredibly bored.

{{block|set=INT. Cell|Yasa, Maya, and Nathan are sitting in a cell. A GUARD is standing guard outside.}}
Yasa picks up a pebble.

{{line|Yasa|I'm bored.}}
Astoundingly bored.

{{line|Maya|I'm bored.}}
Maya also picks up a pebble, and bounces it off the guard's head.

This is boring.

{{line|Maya|Very bored.}}
The Guard stops, turns, and thumps on the bars for emphasis.

{{block|Nathan glowers at them from the other bed.}}
Will you shut up?!

{{line|Yasa|Incredibly bored. {{paren|she picks up a pebble.}}}}
The guard then moves further away, out of range.

{{line|Maya|Astoundingly bored. {{paren|also picks up a pebble, and bounces it off the guard's head}}
Still boring.

This is boring.}}

{{block|The Guard he stops, turns, and thumps on the bars for emphasis.}}

{{line|Guard|Will you shut up?!}}
The bloody hell'd you do that for?

{{block|The guard then moves further away, out of range.}}
Was boring.

{{line|Maya|Still boring.}}
You have a better idea?

Maya picks up another pebble and looks at it, considering.

Really, though.
What are we going to do about this?

{{line|Nathan|The bloody hell'd you do that for?}}
No idea.

{{line|Maya|Was boring.}}
We break out, of course!

{{line|Yasa|You have a better idea?}}

{{block|Maya picks up another pebble and looks at it, considering.}}
This is a game, right? Everything we need should be right here. What's in your pockets?

I don't think it...
(he stops, looking around)
Nevermind our pockets. What's in the beds?

=== Face off ===

{{block|set=Space between space, time between time|Fern and Irundha float in the void.}}
INT. Some temple thing?

{{line|Fern|Alright, you have my attention. What is it that you want?}}
As a paladin, Alexis swears herself to Lokshmi.

{{line|Irundha|The same thing as you want.}}
Well, aren't you a clever one.

{{line|Fern|A bucket-full of muffins?}}
=== Face off ===

{{line|Irundha|To exist.}}

{{line|Fern|Oh, well. That's boring.}}
Fern and Irundha float in the void. It looks really cheesey.

{{line|Irundha|Do you not value existence?}}
Alright, you have my attention. What is it that you want?

{{line|Fern|Of course. But that does not devalue the alternative. The lack, the absense, the death that gives life meaning...}}
The same thing as you want.

{{line|Irundha|As is my domain... tell me. Where does the valued go with this?}}
A bucket-full of muffins?

To exist.

Just live a little, Irundha. We're all so terrible at it, but when we do, it's grand.}}
Oh, well. That's boring.

{{block|The two dark sisters stare each other down.}}
Do you not value existence?

{{line|Fern|Well, this is awkward.}}
Of course. But that does not devalue the alternative. The lack, the absense, the death that gives life meaning...

{{line|Irundha|paren=shaking her head|Existence was like a walking purgatory for you...
As is my domain... tell me. Where does the valued go with this?

Neither dead nor alive, never feeling a thing...
Just live a little, Irundha. We're all so terrible at it, but when we do, it's grand.
The two dark sisters stare each other down.

Just existing.  
Well, this is awkward.

(shaking her head)
Existence was like a walking purgatory for you...

{{line|Fern|Things change.}}
Neither dead nor alive, never feeling a thing...

{{line|Irundha|Do they?}}
Just existing.
{{line|Fern|Things are how they are. They will always will be how... however they are. At the time.

There is no better or worse, but there is change.}}

{{line|Irundha|Then how can you possibly condone change? Or action? Or do anything at all?}}
Things change.

{{line|Fern|Without words, of course. Is is, but that don't make it right, and just because there ain't not such thing as right don't mean you can't want right when it ain't there. Any goat could tell you that.}}
Do they?

=== Bathrooms ===
Things are how they are. They will always will be how... however they are. At the time.
There is no better or worse, but there is change.

{{line|Yasa|It's like bathrooms. Erm, public bathrooms - restrooms... with the stalls.
{{paren|she gestures to indicate the spacing}}
Then how can you possibly condone change? Or action? Or do anything at all?
People walk in and use the one on the end because they think it won't be as well used. Except enough people figure that that one won't be used and use it that it actually ends up the most used, you know?
{{paren|gesturing in the opposite direction}}
So flip it around. Figure that people will figure it won't be used and use it, and so choose the one in the middle, instead. Except what if enough people figure that, then maybe using the ones on the end wouldn't be such a bad idea afterwards... but what if they figure that -}}

{{line|Alexis|paren=cutting her off|Yasa, people don't generally think that much.}}
Without words, of course. Is is, but that don't make it right, and just because there ain't not such thing as right don't mean you can't want right when it ain't there. Any goat could tell you that.

{{line|Yasa|paren=after a pause|What, am I not a person?}}
Irundha says nothing.

{{line|Darren|Clearly not.}}
Not buying it are you?
Okay, fine, I admit: I have no idea what I'm talking about. What does it matter?

== Horse thing (Fern edition) ==

=== Phone call ===
INT. Fern's house; a cluttered room - Day

{{block|set=INT. A cluttered room|time=Day|A sleeping woman, {{cap|Fern}}, is sprawled on a sofa with three cats sitting on her. A laptop is open on the end table, on which the following conversation is shown:
Fern is sprawled on a sofa with three cats sitting on her. A laptop is open on the end table, on which the following conversation is shown:

:(10:32:22) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: Poke
:(10:32:22) Alebran D'tariel: Poke
:(10:32:23) {{cap|Nobody}}: Auto-reply: wut
:(10:32:23) Nobody: Auto-reply: wut
:(11:04:18) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: Poke
:(11:04:18) Alebran D'tariel: Poke
:(11:04:18) {{cap|Nobody}}: Auto-reply: wut
:(11:04:18) Nobody: Auto-reply: wut
:(11:18:46) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: Poke
:(11:18:46) Alebran D'tariel: Poke
:(11:18:46) {{cap|Nobody}}: Auto-reply: wut
:(11:18:46) Nobody: Auto-reply: wut
:(12:20:01) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: Poke
:(12:20:01) Alebran D'tariel: Poke
:(12:20:02) {{cap|Nobody}}: Auto-reply: wut
:(12:20:02) Nobody: Auto-reply: wut
:(12:52:50) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: Poke
:(12:52:50) Alebran D'tariel: Poke
:(12:52:51) {{cap|Nobody}}: Auto-reply: wut
:(12:52:51) Nobody: Auto-reply: wut
:(13:18:56) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: Poke
:(13:18:56) Alebran D'tariel: Poke
:(13:18:56) {{cap|Nobody}}: Auto-reply: wut
:(13:18:56) Nobody: Auto-reply: wut

Fern sits up partially, dislodging two cats, and, upon seeing the screen, pulls it toward her and types:
Fern sits up partially, dislodging two cats, and, upon seeing the screen, pulls it toward her and types:

:(13:19:16) {{cap|Nobody}}: WHAT!
:(13:19:16) Nobody: WHAT!

The response appears:
The response appears:

:(13:19:32) {{cap|Alebran D'tariel}}: PUT ON YOUR TARGED HEADSET, WOMAN!
:(13:19:32) Alebran D'tariel: PUT ON YOUR TARGED HEADSET, WOMAN!

With a groan, she sits up entirely and unmutes the headset already on her head.}}
With a groan, she sits up entirely and unmutes the headset already on her head.

{{line|Fern|paren=yelling as loudly as she can into the mic with another cat still sitting on her|What?!}}
(yelling as loudly as she can into the mic with another cat still sitting on her)

{{line|Alebran|paren=Over the headset|You suck.}}
(Over the headset)
You suck.

{{line|Fern|paren=She pauses, rubbing her eye.|Huh?<br>You spent the past three hours poking me to tell me that, of all things?}}
(She pauses, rubbing her eye.)
You spent the past three hours poking me to tell me that, of all things?

{{line|Alebran|You really suck?}}
You really suck?

{{line|Fern|Are you... entirely aware what 'suck' means?}}
Are you... entirely aware what 'suck' means?



{{line|Alebran|paren=He mumbles incoherently|Sorry, uh, translator may have miscallibrated again.<br>What I meant to say was that you're very wonderful and benevolent and glorious and adjective and are you busy tonight?}}
(He mumbles incoherently)
Sorry, uh, translator may have miscallibrated again.
What I meant to say was that you're very wonderful and benevolent and glorious and adjective and are you busy tonight?

{{line|Fern|Er...<br>Alebran, darling, I know you're dense, but it's been over a year. Couldn't you at least say 'hi' before propositioning me?
{{paren|she pushes a cat away}}
It's only being proper.}}
Alebran, darling, I know you're dense, but it's been over a year. Couldn't you at least say 'hi' before propositioning me?
(she pushes a cat away)
It's only being proper.


{{block|A silence ensues, during which the cats return to Fern's couch, lap, and shoulder, making themselves comfortable.}}
A silence ensues, during which the cats return to Fern's couch, lap, and shoulder, making themselves comfortable.

{{line|Fern|paren=She pinches her nose|Hello. How are you?}}
(She pinches her nose)
Hello. How are you?

{{line|Alebran|I'm not dead.}}
I'm not dead.


{{block|Another silence passes, this time punctuated by the shoulder cat falling off, catching a claw in Fern's shoulder on the way down.}}
Another silence passes, this time punctuated by the shoulder cat falling off, catching a claw in Fern's shoulder on the way down.

{{line|Fern|paren=she yelps}}
Fern yelps.


{{line|Fern|Cat, sorry. Gods, Alebran, you utterly suck at this.}}
Cat, sorry. Gods, Alebran, you utterly suck at this.


{{line|Fern|Conversing. Like a normal person. Were I clever, I could make a joke right now about you not knowing what a normal person is, but it would be entirely lost upon you anyway.}}
Conversing. Like a normal person. Were I clever, I could make a joke right now about you not knowing what a normal person is, but it would be entirely lost upon you anyway.

{{line|Alebran|No, I know what normal people are. They're like the folks whose house I've been sneaking into to use their bathroom while they're not looking.}}
No, I know what normal people are. They're like the folks whose house I've been sneaking into to use their bathroom while they're not looking.

{{line|Fern|And that's just not normal.}}
And that's just not normal.

{{line|Alebran|Hey, that's why I need you to come by, help me recover my own bathroom. Please?}}
Hey, that's why I need you to come by, help me recover my own bathroom. Please?

{{line|Fern|Alebran, I've got goats.}}
Alebran, I've got goats.

{{line|Alebran|Please, Sadzi? You're my only hope. Seriously, their bath salts are driving me nuts.}}
Please, Sadzi? You're my only hope. Seriously, their bath salts are driving me nuts.

{{paren|she pauses, pinching the bridge of her nose}}
Y'all right, fine. But you'd better not pull anything too weird. And I really do need to feed the goats first.}}
(she pauses, pinching the bridge of her nose)
Y'all right, fine. But you'd better not pull anything too weird. And I really do need to feed the goats first.

{{line|Alebran|You're the best not dead ex-girlfriend I never had.}}
You're the best not dead ex-girlfriend I never had.

=== Wall ===
EXT. Kanata, Terras street - Day

{{block|set=EXT. Terras street|time=Day|FERN and ALEBRAN lean over a fence by one of the neighbours' houses, chatting.}}
Fern and Alebran lean over a fence by one of the neighbours' houses, chatting.

{{line|Alebran|It's over. It's all over... we put that behind us. No more saving the world, no more fighting for survival.
{{paren|He gestures grandly}}
It's over. It's all over... we put that behind us. No more saving the world, no more fighting for survival.
I am here and I am now and my most pressing concern is whether or not to get a dog.}}
(he gestures grandly)
I am here and I am now and my most pressing concern is whether or not to get a dog.

{{line|Fern|Ah, you watched it.}}
Ah, you watched it.

{{line|Alebran|Eyup. Good show.<br>
I really am considering a dog, though.}}
Eyup. Good show.
I really am considering a dog, though.

{{line|Fern|Three heads, max, or I'll sic my cat on you.}}
Three heads, max, or I'll sic my cat on you.

{{line|Alebran|Which one?}}
Which one?

{{line|Fern|The scary one.}}
The scary one.

{{line|Alebran|Er... why?}}
Er... why?

{{line|Fern|I... I promised your neighbours you'd tone it down.}}
I... I promised your neighbours you'd tone it down.

{{line|Alebran|Well, that was dumb.}}
Well, that was dumb.

{{line|Fern|paren=She sighs|Yes.}}
(She sighs)

== Eapherod ==

=== Vacuum cleaner ===
EXT. Some street - night

(walking, looking around twitchily)
I queried the Madness. 0 rows returned. Opening the black box for the third time, the empty heart is stolid.
This is the place to be for the end of the world show.

{{line|Yasa|Pfft, dildos... if you want to just stick something in you, it's not so incredibly difficult to pick up some guy in a bar and stick him in you, you know. Just make sure he understands condoms and even the texture is about the same. Cheaper too, really.<br/>
But that's the thing, right? If you're just you, why would you stick some little thing inside yourself? Sure, that's what sex involves, but if you just want pleasure there's no need for any of that squelchy stuff. Skip that, right? Straight to the orgasm.}}
(backing away)
You ain't right.

{{block|Nathan starts to enter, then just stops in the doorway and stares. The two women haven't noticed him yet.}}
(still walking)
Ain't right. Ain't right. World for the ain't right. This is what it says, you know. This is all what it says, and the Apheori said she knew your heart, but I cannot say it for fear of shivers. Whispers in winds.
It helps, you know. Saying things. Repeating things. Old thoughts. Old memories. Throw off the dark man in the open cloud. He's young. Doesn't see. Doesn't remember. Doesn't understand. It's all mad to him.
There's solace in madness.
Solace in madness.
EXT. Field - Day
Fern is standing in the grass a few hundred feet away from the road. Nathan has parked his car nearby upon finding her.
(picking his way through the grass; he yells)
(staring off into the clouds)
Tell me.
Do you believe in demons?
INT. Office in that holy place thingy
Fern and Nathan stand before the desk of the High Priest of the One.
(hiding annoyance at their unexpected arrival)
Welcome, my child. What brings you to the Sahada?
I come seeking your help.
Of course. If any of the God's children seek, we will -
It is no small favour I ask. She takes off her mask.

{{line|Fern|paren=looking slightly amused|Would it creep you out if I said I knew exactly where you're going with this, how you came to this conclusion, and that I utterly agree despite not being entirely sure what a 'vacuum cleaner' is?}}

{{paren|she stares at Fern}}
I have a demon within me. It has resisted all standard attempts to remove it thus far, and it is all I can do to keep it... suppressing the thing is becoming more difficult with every expiring moment. Please. Can you help?
I... Yes, it most certainly would.}}

{{line|Nathan|paren=he blinks|Vacuum cleaner?}}

{{block|They don't hear him.}}
I believe it is called an exorcism?

{{line|Fern|Then I did not say that. }}
I mean how are you keeping control of so powerful a being?

{{line|Yasa|Actually, that's... }}

{{line|Fern|paren=brightly|Please continue.}}

{{line|Yasa|You know what? Just...
{{paren|she takes a step backwards}}
Long story. Suffice to say this should have been able to happen, but my curiosity got the better of me and now here I am, barking mad and with an even madder entity trying to up and be me.
How could you possibly know that?}}

{{line|Fern|I know too much.}}
Like it ever could be me.

{{line|Yasa|How much?}}
Just how long has this entity... possessed you?

{{line|Fern|A few things. A lot of things. Most things, really. Not quite everything, though, and a lot of it hasn't happened yet, and some of it isn't real, and almost none of it is any use at all, really...
Approximately three weeks, two days, eighteen hours and twenty-seven minutes.

{{paren|she trails off, her mind clearly elsewhere}}}}
Been counting?

{{line|Nathan|What did I just...
{{paren|he stops, the strangest expression on his face}}}}
It's helped my concentration.

{{Line|Yasa|paren=turning red|Whoopsie.}}
And now you... want an exorcism.

{{line|Fern|paren=she turns toward Nathan|Nathan, do you have a vacuum cleaner?}}
I want you to try.

{{line|Nathan|That's just... I was just... I mean...
{{paren|He sputters}}
I... I was just leaving.
He takes a deep breath.
{{paren|he gestures back toward the door}}
We will do what we can, by the grace of the God.
Outward. Yes.}}
Why, though? Why come to us? You do not follow the God.

{{block|Nathan hastily turns around and leaves.}}
Follow is such an ambiguous word. I do not worship your God, or any, it is true, but that is simply the way of my people. We know what they are and what they stand for, and even, for that matter, what they sometimes dredge up. What you might call their demons.
I suspect this is one of them.

=== Wandering ===
Just tell me you haven't dated the God and I'll be happy.

{{block|set=EXT. Street|time=Night}}

{{line|Fern|paren=walking, looking around twitchily|
I queried the Madness. 0 rows returned. Opening the black box for the third time, the empty heart is stolid.

This is the place to be for the end of the world show.}}
She's kind of...

{{line|Hobo|paren=backing away|You ain't right.}}
Though I prevent the demon from acting, from affecting the outside world, it is in essence trapped within my mind. It can see through my eyes and hear through my ears and it knows my thoughts as soon as I do... and visa versa. It speaks to me, rants, rails, intimations and offerings... anything to disrupt my concentration, for that is all that holds it back...
It has mentioned names, many of them, but two stand out: Karamah, whom it reviles, and one with which it seems to call itself. You may recognise it.

{{line|Fern|paren=still walking|Ain't right. Ain't right. World for the ain't right. This is what it says, you know. This is all what it says, and the Apheori said she knew your heart, but I cannot say it for fear of shivers. Whispers in winds.
Eph... do you realise what you are saying?

It helps, you know. Saying things. Repeating things. Old thoughts. Old memories. Throw off the dark man in the open cloud. He's young. Doesn't see. Doesn't remember. Doesn't understand. It's all mad to him.
It is why I have come to you specifically.

There's solace in madness.
Fern, why didn't you say something?
I mean... you said it was...
That's not just a demon. If the name is right, you've got the bloody demon of demons trapped in your pretty little head!

Solace in madness.}}
Yes... and let me tell you, it is not happy about that.

Bloody pissed, I rather imagine.

{{block|set=EXT. Field|time=Day|Fern is standing in the grass a few hundred feet away from the road. Nathan has parked his car nearby upon finding her.}}
{{line|Nathan|paren=picking his way through the grass; he yells|Fern?}}
If it could, it would destroy you all just to hurt me... destroy everything I hold dear.

{{line|Fern|paren=staring off into the clouds|Tell me.
Demons seek harm the faithful for the impact they would have on the God. That this one would so go after you is unusual.

Do you believe in demons?}}
(smiling, standing unsteadily)
You must admit, it does have a certain style.

Oh, bloody hell, woman, you really did date him, didn't you?

=== Audience ===
Declien stares at Nathan.

{{block|set=INT. Office|Fern and Nathan stand before the desk of the High Priest of the One.}}
Hey, Father Declien, please. Do what you can.

{{line|Declien|paren=hiding annoyance at their unexpected arrival|Welcome, my child. What brings you to the Sahada?}}
Right. Come to the Basilica of Akina in two hours.

{{line|Fern|I come seeking your help.}}

{{line|Declien|Of course. If any of the God's children seek, we will -}}
EXT. Street outside and crap

{{line|Fern|It is no small favour I ask. {{paren|She takes off her mask.}}}}
They step outside and then both try to speak at the same time.


{{line|Fern|I have a demon within me. It has resisted all standard attempts to remove it thus far, and it is all I can do to keep it... suppressing the thing is becoming more difficult with every expiring moment. Please. Can you help?}}

Eh... sorry. You were saying?

{{line|Fern|I believe it is called an exorcism?}}
No, what were you going to say?

{{line|Declien|I mean how are you keeping control of so powerful a being?}}
Just say it, love.

No, no... by all means, speak your mind.

Well, I suppose we could spend the next two hours arguing about who should speak first...

{{line|Fern|Long story. Suffice to say this should have been able to happen, but my curiosity got the better of me and now here I am, barking mad and with an even madder entity trying to up and be me.
Mmmm... well in hand with the spirit of wasting time.

Like it ever could be me.}}
Nathan, just spit it out.

{{line|Declien|Just how long has this entity... possessed you?}}
Oh, well... eh... bloody hell. Now I forgot what I was going to say.

{{line|Fern|Approximately three weeks, two days, eighteen hours and twenty-seven minutes.}}

{{line|Nathan|Been counting?}}
So, er... how's the demon?

{{line|Fern|It's helped my concentration.}}
It's deploring muffins.
I'm wholeheartedly agreeing just to throw it off.

{{line|Declien|And now you... want an exorcism.}}
Okay, you're... you're just weird. I know I've said that before, but 'sa truth.

{{line|Fern|I want you to try.}}
Raight, Nathan. I think I should tell you...

She tries to lift her foot; it's stuck.
{{paren|He takes a deep breath.}}
We will do what we can, by the grace of the God.

Why, though? Why come to us? You do not follow the God.}}

{{line|Fern|Follow is such an ambiguous word. I do not worship your God, or any, it is true, but that is simply the way of my people. We know what they are and what they stand for, and even, for that matter, what they sometimes dredge up. What you might call their demons.  
She tries again. Then tries harder.

I suspect this is one of them.}}
{{line|Nathan|Just tell me you haven't dated the God and I'll be happy.}}

I think my foot is stuck.

Eh, I can see that.

{{line|Nathan|She's kind of...}}
I mean... really stuck. She tries a yank, to no effect.

{{line|Fern|Though I prevent the demon from acting, from affecting the outside world, it is in essence trapped within my mind. It can see through my eyes and hear through my ears and it knows my thoughts as soon as I do... and visa versa. It speaks to me, rants, rails, intimations and offerings... anything to disrupt my concentration, for that is all that holds it back...
(taking off his backpack)
Hold on.

It has mentioned names, many of them, but two stand out: Karamah, whom it reviles, and one with which it seems to call itself. You may recognise it.
(stops struggling)

(going through his bag)
Ah, here we go.

{{line|Declien|Eph... do you realise what you are saying?}}
he pulls out a large crowbar and jams the crowbar under and frees Fern's foot.

You came... prepared.

It is why I have come to you specifically.}}
(stuffing the crowbar back into his bag)
I got the idea from you.
So what were you saying?

{{line|Nathan|Fern, why didn't you say something?

I mean... you said it was...
Um... well. This won't reassure you at all. This whole... experience...
Nathan, I may not survive this. I also know that theoretically, I could... remove the thing myself, but in the process irrevocable damage to... er... equilibriums of things may occur, and I cannot take the risk, not for so few, nor for any number of, er, really.
So if and when the thing finally does break free, it will do what it can to punish me for the inconvenience.
I don't intend to let it, but...

That's not just a demon. If the name is right, you've got the bloody demon of demons trapped in your pretty little head!}}
But what?

{{line|Fern|Yes... and let me tell you, it is not happy about that.}}
Kill me first. I will be able to die without any lasting damage, and in truth it is not something I have ever experienced first hand, so it should prove quite interesting...

{{line|Nathan|Bloody pissed, I rather imagine.}}
(taking a step back)
I can't do that.

{{line|Fern|If it could, it would destroy you all just to hurt me... destroy everything I hold dear.}}
I'm not mortal, Nathan. I cannot truly die, not in the sense that most folks eventually do. Not anymore.
Not again.

{{line|Declien|paren=standing|Demons seek harm the faithful for the impact they would have on the God. That this one would so go after you is unusual.}}

{{line|Fern|paren=smiling, standing unsteadily|You must admit, it does have a certain style.}}
INT. MIDNIGHT - later and crap

{{line|Nathan|Oh, bloody hell, woman, you really did date him, didn't you?}}
Fern is asleep in the black. She looks perfectly content, but then KHARAMAH appears and wakes her. (Images and scenes drift in and out of the black as they speak.)

{{block|Declien stares at Nathan.}}
(sitting up)

{{line|Nathan|paren=wincing|Hey, Father Declien, please. Do what you can.}}
{{line|Declien|Right. Come to the Basilica of Akina in two hours.}}
Hello, Amadi.

Amadi's dead.
(she looks around)
You know, our setup sucks. Having to come all this way just to talk to you. Can't even call!

{{block|set=EXT. Street|They step outside and then both try to speak at the same time.}}
Eapherod is powerful. It is unfortunate that he would escape, but not unexpected. And that he would come for you... we should have seen it.

Remind me - why were we trying to keep him bound in the first place?

It was your idea, Amadi. Your plan.

Eh... sorry. You were saying?}}
Bloody dumb one.

{{line|Fern|No, what were you going to say?}}
Have your views changed so easily at his hands? What has he done to you?

{{line|Nathan|Just say it, love.}}
Ain't that. It's just... it's a half-measure. A half measure doesn't solve the problem. It's not sustainable; all it does is put off the inevitable, and make things worse in the process. Eapherod is getting dumber and dumber, but his anger isn't fading in the slightest. The damage he could do...

{{line|Fern|No, no... by all means, speak your mind.}}
You think this damage is inevitable?

{{line|Nathan|Well, I suppose we could spend the next two hours arguing about who should speak first...}}
(she shrugs)
He's stronger than any of us. It took everything we had just to bind him in the first place, so I dunno why we thought it could last. And when he gets out in full, he'sa wreck the place.
Like a damn goat. Bah.
Why are we trying to take the most powerful entity in the 'verse and turn him into a moron, exactly?

{{line|Fern|Mmmm... well in hand with the spirit of wasting time.  
There is a pause as Kharamah declines to answer.

Nathan, just spit it out.}}
Seriously, did nobody think this through?

{{line|Nathan|Oh, well... eh... bloody hell. Now I forgot what I was going to say.}}

Oh. Okay, then.

{{line|Nathan|So, er... how's the demon?}}
What would you have us do? Release him now upon the worlds after all this time, after all this anger and pain?

{{line|Fern|It's deploring muffins.
Assuming killing him is off the table, why not? Beats the alternative. Sure, he'll wreck the place. It'll suck. But then it'll be over, and we'll get over it.
It's not like the place doesn't get wrecked sometimes already.

I'm wholeheartedly agreeing just to throw it off.}}
Will you get over it after he destroys everything you hold dear?

{{line|Nathan|Okay, you're... you're just weird. I know I've said that before, but 'sa truth.}}
There will be new things. But we could always just guard the other things. Keep a few safe, hidden away from the devastation.

{{line|Fern|Raight, Nathan. I think I should tell you...
{{paren|She tries to lift her foot; it's stuck.}}
Those would be the first he goes after.
{{paren|She tries again.}}

{{paren|tries harder.}}}}
There is more than one way to guard something.

A scene materialises out of the black - Fern's goats, standing around a tree. A conspicuously large fern grows off to the side, strangely unharmed...

{{line|Fern|I think my foot is stuck.}}
I don't think bluffing him will work.

{{line|Nathan|Eh, I can see that.}}
It was an example. Obviously Eapherod isn't a goat.

{{line|Fern|I mean... really stuck. {{paren|She tries a yank, to no effect.}}}}
No. There is nothing we can do to recover now. It's too late.

{{line|Nathan|paren=taking off his backpack|Hold on.}}
Not nothing.

{{line|Fern|paren=stops struggling|Hmm?}}
No good options.

{{line|Nathan|going through his bag|Ah, here we go.
{{paren|he pulls out a large crowbar.}}}}
You know exactly how to end this. Cleanly.

{{block|Nathan jams the crowbar under and frees Fern's foot.}}
No. The cost was too high the last time. Never again.

{{line|Fern|You came... prepared.}}
The cost was mine, and my choice to make. Let them help us now.

{{line|Nathan|paren=stuffing the crowbar back into his bag|I got the idea from you.
Kharamah bows his head and fades away. Fern sits there in the blackness for a time, thinking it over, then lies back down to try to get back to sleep.

So what were you saying?}}
Rhi appears next to her before she can, looming over her head. This Rhi is the little girl they first saw - without the anger, the fear, the confusion, only curiosity lighting her features as she looks down at Fern.

After a bit of a pause, such as there even can be in this place outside of time:

{{line|Fern|Um... well. This won't reassure you at all. This whole... experience...  
Hello, Rhi.

Nathan, I may not survive this. I also know that theoretically, I could... remove the thing myself, but in the process irrevocable damage to... er... equilibriums of things may occur, and I cannot take the risk, not for so few, nor for any number of, er, really.
Rhi says nothing, but smiles.

So if and when the thing finally does break free, it will do what it can to punish me for the inconvenience.
I'm trying to take a nap, you know.

I don't intend to let it, but...}}

{{line|Nathan|But what?}}
Why not?

{{line|Fern|Kill me first. I will be able to die without any lasting damage, and in truth it is not something I have ever experienced first hand, so it should prove quite interesting...}}
Oh. Okay.

{{line|Nathan|paren=taking a step back|I can't do that.}}
She fades away. Fern goes back to sleep.

{{line|Fern|I'm not mortal, Nathan. I cannot truly die, not in the sense that most folks eventually do. Not anymore.

Not again.}}
EXT. Basilica of Akina - day
Nathan and Fern approach the basilica near dusk. Long shadows come up to meet them, and gargoyles stare down.

Well, that's... uh... inviting.

=== Ritual ===
(taking his arm)
C'mon, dear. Our utter doom awaits.

{{block|set=EXT./INT. Basilica of Akina|time=day|Nathan and Fern approach the basilica near dusk. Long shadows come up to meet them, and gargoyles stare down.}}
They enter.

{{line|Nathan|Well, that's... uh... inviting.}}

{{line|Fern|paren=taking his arm|C'mon, dear. Our utter doom awaits.}}
INT. Basilica of Akina - day

{{block|They enter. Inside, several priests are loitering about the walls, and four stand around a circle chalked in the center. The High Priest Declien stand behind it. He gestures them forward, toward the circle.
Inside, several priests are loitering about the walls, and four stand around a circle chalked in the center. The High Priest Declien stand behind it. He gestures them forward, toward the circle.

Fern steps into it, while Nathan takes a seat nearby.
Fern steps into it, while Nathan takes a seat nearby.
The four priests chain an unresisting Fern down and then start doing suspicious things with sand.
The four priests chain an unresisting Fern down and then start doing suspicious things with sand.

She lifts a manacled hand enough to bonk on an invisible barrier that has formed over the circle.}}
She lifts a manacled hand enough to bonk on an invisible barrier that has formed over the circle.
Do you know the dangers involved in undergoing such a ritual?
(she grins)
Do you know the dangers involved in not? 'Sides, I've got know when to stop exercising my demons.
Um... right. Eapherod, can you hear this?
Fern bows her head.
(speaking through Fern)
I hear you, mortal. A prison upon prisons? Do you know who I am?
You cannot act, little demon, yet you still goad them... intriguing.
Should we care?
Should you? Do you care that this woman you call a friend has been lying to you? Do you know who it is that you call 'friend'?
Should I?
Thank you.
Enough, Eapherod. We do not fear you, nor what you can do. We are here only to remove you from this... one.
You stop calling her child... do you care to hear her real name?
Fern stiffens, then reasserts control.
Real name?
I have several.
Really, I never would have guessed.
Some are kind of... embarrassing.
Oh, you already knew that one?
She relinquishes control and Eapherod is suddenly left looking confused.
Chanting rises around them.

(to Fern)
You must place this -

{{line|Declien|Do you know the dangers involved in undergoing such a ritual?}}
You think you trinkets will work?!

{{line|Fern|paren=she grins|Do you know the dangers involved in not? 'Sides, I've got know when to stop exercising my demons.}}

{{line|Declien|Um... right. Ephaeriod, can you hear this?}}
She's already got one. Though I don't really know why.
Probably spite.

{{block|Fern bows her head.}}
The chanting and crap rises. There is a valiant and slightly overdramatic struggle for control, then after Fern mutters something about squirrels, Eapherod takes over. Declien moves forward and chants over Fern/Eapherod, sprinkling sparkly stuff on them.

{{line|Ephaeriod|paren=speaking through Fern|I hear you, mortal. A prison upon prisons? Do you know who I am?}}
Fool mortals. You cannot defeat me.

{{line|Fern|paren=silently|You cannot act, little demon, yet you still goad them... intriguing.}}
Nathan gets out a crowbar.

{{line|Nathan|Should we care?}}
You think so? You think you can take me? You? Do you even know who ''I'' am, hmm? HMM?

{{line|Ephaeriod|Should you? Do you care that this woman you call a friend has been lying to you? Do you know who it is that you call 'friend'?}}
That won't be necessary.

{{line|Nathan|Should I?}}
Immediately the priests all kneel.

Nathan, meanwhile, bursts out laughing from the sheer ridiculousness of it all and tries to cover it up with the crowbar and then starts choking instead. The coughing goes on for awhile before Declien gets up and smacks him.

{{line|Nathan|Thank you.}}

{{line|Declien|Enough, Ephaeriod. We do not fear you, nor what you can do. We are here only to remove you from this... one.}}
Kharamah and Eapherod stare at him expressionlessly for a moment, then turn toward each other.

{{line|Ephaeriod|You stop calling her child... do you care to hear her real name?}}
(to Fern)
Hello, Amadi...

{{block|Fern stiffens, then reasserts control.}}
Amadi is dead.
This one shall soon die as well.

{{line|Nathan|Real name?}}

{{line|Fern|I have several.}}
(to Nathan)
You have something to say?

{{line|Nathan|Really, I never would have guessed.}}

{{line|Fern|Some are kind of... embarrassing.}}
So it is.


{{Block|Chanting rises around them.}}
We shall see.

{{line|Declien|paren=to Fern|You must place this -}}

{{line|Fern|I already wear the symbol of the One.}}
You will leave this woman's mind, Eapherod.

{{line|Declien|All this time?}}
It is no longer hers. She has surrendered -

{{line|Fern|It angered it. It seemed appropriate.}}
Nathan finally gets up and comes over.

{{line|Declien|Only anger? Then you truly have no room in your heart for the God.}}
Yeah. Totally. Surrendered.
(he takes a deep breath)
She fell asleep, you idiot. She finally got somewhere where she deemed you couldn't do any real damage and now she's taking a much-needed nap.

{{line|Fern|paren=hurt|Don't say that.}}
The mortal thinks it knows what it cannot comprehend...

{{block|The chanting and crap rises. There is a valiant and slightly overdramatic struggle for control, then Ephaeriod takes over. Declient moves forward and chants over Fern/Ephaeriod, sprinkling sparkly stuff on them.}}
Yeah. That's it exactly. Of course. You win. Zombiebaron is the prizes.

{{line|Ephaeriod|paren=rising|Fool mortals. You cannot defeat me.}}
And did you bring your Zombiebaron?

{{block|Nathan can't take it anymore and bursts out laughing at the sheer over-the-topness of it all.}}
Nathan gives Karamah a long, intrigued look.

{{line|Kharamah|But I can.}}
You, I like you.
(to Eapherod)
So, out of curiosity, why haven't they just stopped you, or whatever? Put an end to this?

{{block|Nathan starts choking and nearly falls out of his seat. The coughing goes on for awhile before Declien smacks him.}}

What? I wanna hear what he thinks.

{{block|Kharamah and Ephaeriod stare at him expressionlessly for a moment, then turn toward each other.}}
(grinning slowly)
They cannot.
They're powerless. They fear me and for that they lost their chance to stop me when they could, and now it's too late for them. I will escape, and they will feel my fury, pent up for so long, locked away, growing only greater for the aeons!
You will all fall before my resolve!

{{line|Kharamah|paren=to Fern|Hello, Amadi...}}
Interesting. Doesn't really sound like the gods I know.

{{line|Ephaeriod|Amadi is dead.
This one shall soon die as well.}}
And what would you know when they hide behind their masks? Cowards!

(over his shoulder)
Yo, Karamah, you wearing a mask?

{{line|Ephaeriod|paren=to Nathan|You have something to say?}}
Eapherod hisses and shrinks away.

Nathan gives him a dubious look.

{{line|Kharamah|So it is.}}
The priests or whatever look a little concerned.

We all are.

{{line|Kharamah|We shall see.}}
And what about you, Eapherod? What of the masks you wear, the names you've taken, the faces you've donned? Who are you?
What happened to you?

Nothing happened! They happened! They ruined me, they stole my very self and left me, bound and chained, to rot with ''nothing''!  They will pay, they must pay! Release me and I will take what is ''mine''! Let me have my vengeance, let me take what they stole right back from them...

{{line|Kharamah|You will leave this woman's mind, Ephaeriod.}}
And what exactly do you mean to take?

{{line|Ephaeriod|It is no longer hers. She has surrendered -}}

(he frowns)
In another world, you might have been the one standing here, on the outside, looking in. We might have been friends, and discussed goats over tea. You might have been...

{{line|Nathan|paren=croaking|Yeah. Totally. Surrendered.

{{paren|He takes a deep breath.}}

She fell asleep, you idiot. She finally got somewhere where she deemed you couldn't do any real damage and now she's taking a much-needed nap.}}
Eapherod stares at him in horror.

{{line|Ephaeriod|The mortal thinks it knows what it cannot comprehend...}}
Are you really so far gone that there is no hope at all?

{{line|Nathan|Yeah. That's it exactly. Of course. You win. Zombiebaron is the prizes.}}
You could never understand!

Oh, I understand. I understand you exactly. You could have been something once. You had all the worlds ahead of you, and you threw it away, you wasted it. You.
You didn't care, and so you slipped further and further away. The others lost you, too, because they were just like you, and they didn't care any more than you did. And now, now they're still the same, and so you hate them.
And yet the only one you hate more than them is yourself.

{{block|There is a definite sigh in the air, and Fern collapses. Nathan stares at her.}}
That's not true.

{{line|Kharamah|Her life is her own again. Nathan Felwood, you will tell her it need not be so that the bindings hold. She is not who she was, nor are we all, and the others have long forgiven her. Amadi, the Dark Sister, your Fern, may act and be welcome.}}
You see yourself in them, so you want to destroy them, but really the only one you're trying to destroy is you. But you can't. They're the only ones who can, and yet...
Suppose you do, suppose you pull it off and kill every one of those others whom you hate so much, and you destroy every bit of the lands and folk so dear. Then you will be alone. You ''will'' have nothing, only the emptiness and the pain and the fear that have made you what you are, and nothing at all to temper it out.

{{line|Nathan|May what now?}}
Eapherod leans back against the far side of the cage, so Nathan gets right up against it, leering in.

{{line|Kharamah|She will understand.}}
Now tell me. Is this really what you want?

{{block|Kharamah disappears, and the room returns to a slightly more normal state, though a somewhat more apparently exhausted one.  
Suddenly Fern collapses and the presence is gone.

A loud snore erupts from Fern.}}

{{line|Declien|Well, that... was different.}}
Well done.

{{line|Nathan|For us, not so much.}}
I shouldn't have done that. The last time I did that I lost my job and became an international... er... visa violator... thing. With a fake identity. And fake... boobs. Her boobs have to be fake. Right?

{{block|One of the priests moves to unchain Fern and kick aside the sand.}}
It was a peaceful solution to an impossible problem. After everything that has passed, you have struck pause into his heart.

{{line|Declien|paren=he pauses|I don't even want to know.}}
And then he'll get over it and come back and make things even worse. ''Again'', probably.

{{block|Nathan snorts with laughter.}}
(getting up)
What happened?

Karamah breaks the cage containing Fern.

{{block|INT. Airplane|Fern and Nathan are going home.}}
(to Nathan)
How did you know my name?

{{line|Nathan|paren=nudges Fern|The Mathesian God is Kharamah, no?}}
Lucky guess?
(he indicates Fern)
Honestly she mumbles in her sleep. And once we started really understanding what she was saying...

(rubbing her head)

{{line|Nathan|But there's no reference to a name in anything of the religion on this world. Is there a reason for that, or is it just something that happened, never really relevant?}}
Amadi, are you well?

{{line|Fern|Oh, there is definitely a reason.}}
No, but I am a well. A well within a wall, as it were.
How'd you get rid of the fartso?

{{line|Nathan|Really. Care to share? And who is... who was Amadi, anyway?}}
It was Nathan who did it, but as for how, I do not know. All of your party are invisible to me.

{{line|Fern|She was the cat in the first story of the Book of Nightmares. Or one of the cats... I suspect there have been many; most of the splits happened well after all of that.}}
Wait, what? Still?

{{line|Nathan|Most of?}}
Oh, yeah, Lokshmi did some stuff to them. Not rightly sure what, but among other things it does seem to make their minds and souls invisible to the eyes of the gods.
I actually kind of like it.

{{line|Fern|paren=smiles and turns away|Now, now, Nathan. Best not go prying too far into the affairs of immortals. You may not like what you find. Or who you wind up by the end.}}
Oh. Wait, you like not seeing it coming when Yasa throws a cupcake at your head?

That seemed to bother you lot more than it did me.

=== New Game ===
That's because you kept yelling!

{{block|set=Shahanna living room|Yasa, Nathan, Darren, Alexis, Percy, Fern are once again sitting around the coffee table drinking tea and eating dumplings, while Fern tries to find notes on her laptop.}}
I had frosting in my ear!

{{line|Alexis|paren=over her tea|So just what did happen? Out with it.}}
Nathan rolls his eyes.

{{line|Nathan|paren=rolls eyes|We went and had a plot.}}
(to Karamah)
Actually we might want to be a little concerned about what happens when they die. They're not Sorenai, at least, but whatever she did, it might have had some similar effects, and if you can't see them...

{{line|Yasa|What, you were plotting?}}

{{line|Nathan|A story. You know.}}
The Architect will handle it.

{{line|Yasa|paren=grinning|The horror...}}
You've got a lot of faith in that absentee.

{{line|Fern|Yeah, and I think I lost my notes... sorry.}}
He appears when he needs to.

{{line|Nathan|How do you lose your notes? Just open a terminal and type locate... eh, some word in them.}}
And maybe, for all this, we need him anyway. I'll call in some favours, we get a whole pile of Kings coming down on Eapherod like a pile of bricks, and pow, problem solved.

But will you fix him, or will you kill him?
(to Nathan)
Eapherod. He's lost and angry and bitter, but that doesn't mean he deserves to die. He needs help.
You care for him, even after all he has threatened to do?
Maybe I relate to him, just a little. Maybe how he sees you lot is a bit how I see real developers these days. For me it doesn't really matter; where I've needed help, I've gotten it. But who's helped him? Ever?
How do you even know about that?
Guesses. Lots of guesses. A little storytelling, and a lot of guesses.
(mumbling quickly)
Also I spoke to the Kings of Arikdirin Vak and they told me some things before I lost it and tried to hit one of them with a shovel.
Fern gives Nathan a long look and then slowly grins.
(turning to Karamah)
He's not wrong. Eapherod deserves it.
He deserves an end.
He deserves a chance. They can give it to him.
Look, love, I'm right, I've always been right, and I think after everything that's happened, even if you don't think I'm right, you do owe me this much, yes?
This comes across as a bit of an ultimatum.
INT. Airplane)
Fern and Nathan are going home.
(nudging Fern)
Kharamah is the Mathesian God?
But there's no reference to a name in anything of the religion on this world. Is there a reason for that, or is it just something that happened, never really relevant?
Oh, there is definitely a reason.
Really. Care to share? And who is... who was Amadi, anyway?
She was the cat in the first story of the Book of Nightmares. Or one of the cats... I suspect there have been many; most of the splits happened well after all of that.
Most of?
(smiles and turns away)
Now, now, Nathan. Best not go prying too far into the affairs of immortals. You may not like what you find. Or who you wind up by the end.
== New Game ==
Shahanna living room)
Yasa, Nathan, Darren, Alexis, Percy, Fern are once again sitting around the coffee table drinking tea and eating dumplings, while Fern tries to find notes on her laptop.
(over her tea)
So just what did happen? Out with it.
(rolls eyes)
We went and had a plot.
What, you were plotting?
A story. You know.
The horror...
Yeah, and I think I lost my notes... sorry.
How do you lose your notes? Just open a terminal and type locate... eh, some word in them.

If I knew how...
If I knew how...

Open a terminal?}}
Open a terminal?


What OS are you running, anyway?}}
What OS are you running, anyway?


{{line|Nathan|Oper... nevermind.}}
Oper... nevermind.


Latest revision as of 23:52, 10 April 2017

The Room at Midnight


It is... dark. Black. Empty. The home of nothing at all. A voice drifts through the void, right at home, bright against the black, and fades into view.
The word lingers, and then we look down, down, down through the black and find her seated on... not the ground, but a ground. A background, perhaps, to her foreground in a sliver of not-quite-light.
Welcome to Midnight.

The players

INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
It's a rectangular room with four walls, and all fairly well-decorated, with a susprisingly tasteful assortment of perhaps a few too many plants, mostly ferns, scattered around amongst the funiture in lieu of knicknacks.
FERN is sitting on a bed staring at the wall. The nearby window is shattered, with glass all over the floor, and the curtains are blowing a bit in the breeze.
Fern: I've been staring at a wall for three days now. I can't seem to remember much. After everything that happened, it's all... a bit confusing.
Fern: I think I remember something about goats. And the Architect. And a whole lot of universes coming together for one hectic instant to fix some unfortunate incident, but it's fuzzy, like it didn't really happen, or I wasn't really there, or maybe I just lost the part of me that really was there.
A goat wanders in, eating some paper.
Hi goatsy. I'm not here right now. Please leave a message at the beep.
Fern beeps.
Fern: I don't know. Some of the others apparently died and stuff, so I guess I got off easy, even though I'm pretty sure I really didn't hallucinate the three goats crashing in through the window right after.
The goat climbs up Fern's lap with its front legs.
Fern: All I really know right now is that there seems to be a goat in my lap for some reason.
The goat looks up at her hopefully, but Fern just sort of stares right through it.
Fern: And I can't seem to stop staring at the wall.
Hi there.
Oh, hello, wall.
You've looked better.
Fern: I also seem to be hallucinating.
The wall that's speaking just appears to be a normal wall. It doesn't even have a mouth or anything.
The fifth wall, shoved haphazardly into a corner between two of the other walls, however, is anything but normal. It's huge, bigger than anything. It doesn't line up with anything. It looks more like a window, or a hole, looking out on the cosmos. The entirety of the universe, or at least a universe, laid out before it. It's utterly black, but not.
Fern is very pointedly not looking at this one.
Fern: The problem is, I'm not sure what all is the hallucination and what isn't. For instance, the goats seem to be real.
Another goat wanders over and stops in the doorway. It makes a goat sound.
Mmm, goats. You like goats?
Fern: The wall in front of me may or may not be talking to me. But the fifth wall, that horrible hole back there that seems as though to be a window into the extended multiverse, I have no idea what is up with that.
Fern: I think it's been there all along.
There's a knocking from the front door.

EXT. Porch; Fern's house - day
Three mismatched weirdos who can at best be collectively referred to as 'people', NATHAN, DARREN, and YASA, are all at the door. Nathan is standing somewhat hunched-over-like in a trenchcoat and fedora and dark shades, looking Not Suspicious At All, and bangs on the door knocker a bit.
Yasa is in an elegant black dress, very high-heeled boots, and impeccably matched jewellery. Her black dreads are tied back in an elaborate bun. She leans down and tries to peer in through the peephole.
Darren, in jeans and a t-shirt, is slightly off to the side. He just looks bored.
Nathan knocks again, louder this time.
Fern, you useless fuck, you in there?
Oy, rude.

INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
Fern hears this, but doesn't even look up.
You gonna get that?
Fern doesn't respond to this either.

EXT. Porch; Fern's house - day
That's sort of the point. Next up we're breaking an entering.
What is it with you and breaking and entering and kidnapping and larceny and fraud and piracy and grand theft and good god is there anything you haven't done at this point?
Shut up. I'm living my life.
Yasa gives Nathan a worried look.
(to Yasa)
He's exaggerating, anyhow. Only times I ever kidnapped anyone it was needed.
(yelling at the door)
Fern! If you don't answer, I'm breaking in!
No answer comes.
Eh, fine.
Nathan gets out a lockpicking set and picks the lock.
If you're not a hardened criminal, then why do you know how to do that?
Nathan pushes the door open and peers inside.
(over his shoulder)
Asks the wannabe hacker.
Yeah, and I'm sure you've done all the things with hookers.
Yasa ignores this exchange and heads inside.
(calling out worriedly)
The others follow.

INT. Fern's house, inside - day
They wind up in some sort of living room, with a kitchen area over an island opposite them.
It's a bit of a mess. Potted, as well as de-potted, plants are everywhere, especially ferns. There is a goat chewing on one of them. Mail is all over the table, and dishes, including the remains of an apparently goated meal, are all over the counter. Several cats seem to have taken up residence.
Somehow I don't think she's actually here.
So we check all the rooms, see if there's any signs where she is.
Yasa approaches some of the cats, but they just scatter.
Wait, you don't mean... something might have happened to her?
No, clearly not. I mean, it's not like she's been missing for the better part of a week, or stuff.
Obviously not.
They split up to search the rooms.
Nathan goes over to check out the kitchen area.
The floor on the other side of the island is full of bees. There is a beehive in the middle, surrounded by buzzing. Nathan gives it a long, unimpressed look before slowly backing away and leaving.

INT. Bathroom; Fern's house - day
A stray cat has taken over the guest bathroom. It growls as Yasa turns the light on.
Hi, kitty.
The cat growls some more.
Seen a tiny crazy plant lady around anywhere?
The cat growls.
I'll take that as a no.

INT. Basement; Fern's house
The basement is completely empty aside from a bucket in the middle of the floor, full of what appear to be breadsticks.
Darren approaches it warily. He eyes it carefully. He picks up a breadstick and sniffs it.
Something shifts. There seem to be voices in the surrounding space. It's bigger than it was, emptier, and the lighting tilts...
What the...
Darren hastily drops the breadstick and everything goes back to normal.

INT. Living room; Fern's house - day
Yasa finds the back sofa room to be full of clothing dummies. Fabric and half completed projects are draped over them, and strewn across the furniture and floor. Several of the dummies have cats on them, which all procede to stare at her.
(threading her way between them)
Death broke out in chronic cats too.
The cats don't move, simply continue to stare, watching her as she passes.
She holds her hand out to one, but it just stares at her, so she pets it a bit. It continues to stare at her.
Tense, are you?
Giving the room a walk/jump through (the floor is a bit covered in obstacles), she finds it to be entirely devoid of Fern. She does find a goat, which quickly trots away as she rounds one of the sofas.
Leaving, she nearly collides with Darren, and they both startle in a mildly cliché manner.

INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
To Nathan, there are only four walls. Fern is sitting on the bed, staring at the wall adjacent.
There is a goat sitting on the floor in front of her.
As he enters, Fern doesn't look up.
Nathan plants himself over the goat.
Oy Fern.
She doesn't move.
Midget. Crazy lady. DM.
Still no response.
(in a whisper)
Hahterite? Amear eona?

INT. Master bedroom; Fern's house - day
It's slightly later. Darren and Yasa have crowded in as well. The three of them are all standing around Fern at this point, and she's looking up at them curiously.
Fern: These are my friends. At least, I think they are. I remember them as such. I can't quite remember what I should be doing with them.
Are you real, then?
Fern stares at him curiously, and then smiles ever so slightly.
Fern: Friends. Yes. They're real.
Nathen picks up Fern and hoists her over his shoulder, turns, and wordlessly trods out. The others follow.
The fifth wall also follows.

EXT. Fancy restaurant - evening
It's busy. People are around outside waiting, and a GUY with a pedestal at the entrance is tactfully fending them off.
Yasa pushes her way through, walking deliberately and somewhat loudly as her heels clonk on the ground. Nathan and Darren are following, Nathan again carrying Fern. They're all still wearing the same clothes, though Fern now has a coat wrapped around her, and Darren a ratty jacket on. Nathan has lost his hat.
Yasa stops in front of the guy and stares down at him.
(looking up)
I believe we have a reservation.
And the name on...
(he stops, noticing Nathan and Darren)
Are they with you?
(leaning over the pedestal and leering a bit)
Darren pulls a cyan and hot pink checkered tie out of his pocket and ties it around his neck. Badly.
Do you always carry that?
You never know when you'll need to sell someone a previously owned coffin.
(to the guy)
The guy gives her a confused look.
Sorry, the name on the reservation. It's Shahanna.
(checking his book and then responding much more assuredly)
Oh, um. Yes. The rest of your party is waiting.

INT. Fancy restaurant - evening
Nathan's sister, ALEXIS, is at a large corner table, along with another pair of siblings: PERCY and MAYA. Some appetisers are on the table. Alexis and Percy are chatting. Maya is on her phone, and nibbling at some dumplings.
Nathan plonks Fern down next to Maya and scoots in himself.
Maya pokes Fern with a dumpling.
She... okay?
Ooo, food.
Darren sits down and digs in.
(looking at Darren very disappointedly)
They didn't seem to mind.
They have class and abide by all their customers.
Whatever that is.
Sounds expensive.
The opposite of you two, probably.
Yasa also scoots in.
Fern tentatively reaches out to poke an appetiser.
Everyone watches her intently.
She pokes it, and withdraws the arm.
Maya skewers it on a fork and jabs it at Fern's face.
You eat it.
Fern stares at it blankly.
Shove it in your face. Like this.
Maya demonstrates shoving the food in her own face, then skewers another one and hands the fork to Fern.
Fern stares at the skewered food for a bit, and then starts nibbling on it.
So what exactly do we think is wrong with her?
(shaking her head)
She can still speak, and seems to remember who you are?
Sort of?
It's like she's forgotten how to live. To be alive. She knows, but she's... forgotten.
Stroke? But that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Why not? Can't aliens have strokes?
I don't know. I'm a psychologist, not a doctor, and even if I were I don't think that'd really be my...
My only other guess might be some sort of PTSD, but if that's really the case, without some idea of what caused it, we'll never be able to properly address it or avoid potentially making it worse.
So what do we do?
Everyone just stops and stares at her, aside from Darren, who mumbles something about squirrels. Nathan smacks him.
We play the game. That's why you were looking for me, right? So that's what we'll do.
Er, are you sure? Are you up for that? There's a lot that goes into running a game, let alone a good one...
To bring a broken soul back from the abyss, you remind it what it is to live. You immerse it in the day to day, and slowly, it relearns how to function. That's the theory, anyway. I think... I think I just need to remember. May I borrow your sofa?
Of course. Whatever you need.
I think we all have a very long way to go.

Heap of mostly organised pieces